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Topics - Ethyron
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General Discussion / New to Pixel Art. Tips?
« on: August 16, 2016, 11:41:30 pm »
Hey everyone! I've done some pixel art and practiced a bit. Im probably of an average beginner level atm. I aspire to create original and interesting sprites along with amazing environments to go with them but would like to just focus on learning how to make great sprites. I keep a composition graph notebook with me everywhere I go to practice whenever I got free time. Anywho I was wondering what I should practice or where I should start when it comes to having NO experience with making sprites. All help is appreciated. Keep in mind I have no experience with sprites.

A note about the kind of art I like. I really admire how the Final Fantasy sprites look so amazing yet they are made with such little space. (the 16x24 sprites for FF4-FF8). I pretty much admire anything from Final Fantasy 4 to 8 hah xD

Welp I hope I can find some guidance here. Thanks to anyone who helps!

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