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Topics - namkazt
Pages: [1]

Unpaid Work / CrossPlatform HarvestMoon game like need artist.
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:42:49 pm »
I'm currently remaking a Harvest moon style game with more improve like RPG and more Simulation and the most important thing is User Contents. this game will support mod with easy struct for content and script with Javascript and Lua.

Platform: Android API 14+, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux

It's build with cocos2d-x engine.

All tool or editor i will create when need.   :P

Map editor example

The reason i want to create own tool is game will be run at it best performance.

Now, all i when is find a teammate who can share art jobs with me ( i'm not good at this ).
This is share profit game.

Contact me if you like:
Skype: nam.kazt

Pages: [1]