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Topics - bboykrillin
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Pixel Art / BboyKrillins fighting game art dump
« on: January 27, 2016, 12:22:59 am »
Hey everyone. I'm BboyKrillin and I'm pretty nervous about my first post here. Please excuse me if I start to babble.

So this is my first attempt at pixel art animation. My background prior to this is digital illustration so adding movement into the mix is a whole new world for me! I'm working on a fighting game concept and this is going to be one of the characters in the game. I'm inspired by the classic Capcom games from the late 80s, early 90s

I've been slowly chipping away on this particular animation for quite some time trying to figure out things like an art style I was happy with, or the levels of detail I want to put into this and subsequent characters. It's been a labour of love!

For anyone interested my tools are Wacom, ToonBoom Studio, Photoshop, The Animators Survival Kit by Richard Williams and far too much coffee.


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