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Topics - Brigas
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Pixel Art / 1st work - Bug Catcher Luffy
« on: April 05, 2015, 05:43:07 pm »
Hello everyone. I have had an interest in pixel art for a long time now, but only recently did I take it upon myself to start learning it.

I have read about the basic techniques , the do's and don't's but I'm still not 100% how to properly utilize them, so I decided to create a piece where I could practice all of them just to get a general grasp on things. I'm probably going to start working in smaller stuff (not that this is that big) now that I'm done with this sprite since I feel it's what I should do as an absolute beginner.

This sprite is in 100x100 and based off an 80x80 sprite. It was supposed to be 80x80 as well but I went slightly overboard with the proportions.

I'd like to ask you guys for some feedback on what I've done wrong, what I've done right (if anything) and if there was something I should've used that I didn't.

Thank you so much.

    based off     

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