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Topics - netmancer
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Pixel Art / [WIP][C+C] Alien Spaceship Firing - Updated! (2 more ships)
« on: September 29, 2013, 12:00:11 am »
Hi, I started making pixel animations a few months ago, and really enjoyed it. Now I am working on my first game with a few friends, so I wanted to see if I could get a few pointers on my animations and art. This is one of my first ships for the game, so I am looking for ways to improve it. This ship is not based on anything, I made it up myself. If anyone has cool ideas to add extra detail to the spaceship, that would be really helpful.

Here are a couple more ships I am working on:

I kind of like the shading, but think they may be a little flat or to regular. Also, does the animation look smooth? I think it could look more energized but am not sure how. I'm open to any comments.

Thanks :)

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