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Topics - RLemker
Pages: [1]

Portfolios / [PORTFOLIO] Rebecca Lemker [NOT AVAILABLE]
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:08:29 pm »
I am an illustration and graphic design student who is a senior at the Savannah College of art and design. I am looking for paid work, paid internships, and to establish contact with indie development studios who might be looking for permanent hires when I graduate in spring 2014. I have experience working with indie game designers and developing my own concepts. I am adept in all methods of 2D visual work, from design to painting to pixel work.

Contact Info:
Do not PM me on this website I do not check it very often. If you are looking to contact me use the following channels:
skype: rlemke20


My website has examples of all kinds of work.

Pixel work:

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