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Topics - ericbloom
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Pixel Art / Platformer Sprites (WIP)
« on: September 20, 2012, 04:56:15 pm »
I'm new to this, and am having a lot of fun. I could use some feedback on a couple of walk cycles :

This guy is still rough. I really want this enemy to feel *heavy* when walking, and it's not quite there yet. His attack will be a smash attack:

I'm much happier with this enemy walk, though it's more of a traditional walk and easier to plan out. (Really huge shout out to Tsugumo's Mage Knight thread for giving me the smoke and spark idea:

And here he is shooting and resting:

I'd show them at the original sizes too, but I'm at work. I'll update with the main character's run when I get a chance.

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