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Topics - chipbit
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Pixel Art / Catch up
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:15:45 pm »
Wow, long time since I've been on here.

Right, since my first post I've been busy beavering away. Mostly coding but diving into photoshop now and again and shifting pixels around the place.

Trouble is I've been pretty much in a vacuum for the past year or the past couple of years so it's time to reach out to you fine folk for some pointers and advice before I start putting more time and effort into creating game art. I'm sure I've been picking up some bad habits and I know my sprites are a lot more "busy" than they need to be. I just can't stop adding stuff which I know is causing some issues with animation.

These are in date order from 2013 till now - just snippets and samples as everything is still WIP but these are the most polished.

Any and all help is welcome and greatly appreciated. Last time round it was humbling but necessary. Lets see if I can't step up a notch. :)

Oh and if anyone has any tips on torches, lamps and lighting, I'm all ears.



Wrestler Character

WW1 German Troop

Victorian LoveCraft Characters

Pixel Art / Little help for a newbie
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:20:20 pm »
Hi folks, first time poster and a very happy individual to have found this site. The huge amount of talent and promise around here has totally blown me away and really made me re-asses my own work.

First-off I'm slowly getting into game development. I think we've got a few classic ideas down on paper so I'm entering into the development stage.

So, I've spent the last few months hunting around for tutorials on pixel work and specifically working on graphics for games. To be honest I'm more of a photoshop brush man so working with the pencil tool and working at such small sizes is a bit alien to me. Starting off simple and basic with some stuff I threw together this weekend - Still WIP. This is all freeform. No sketching, no scanning, the normal way I'd work in photoshop.

These are elements for one game idea I'm working on. Based upon an office environment.

What is the best way for reproducing the sprites? I'm so used to creating one-off images, not used to mass production of a lot of elements.
Are there any tutorials anyone can suggest for actually producing a lot of sprites - character and otherwise for 2D platform games?

**Update with a simple office scene - needs some depth**

Any pointers I can get early are going to be really helpful.

Thanks folks.  

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