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Pixel Art / Hexagonal Animated Water Tile
« on: October 07, 2009, 07:24:46 am »

Ok, so this has been really bugging the hell out of me recently.. I've tried a multitude of different techniques (the rest of which I really didn't like), however, I'm still not sure about this one either. I'm almost tempted to make this a static tile instead of trying for a (what I hoped to be a very subtle and not distracting) animated one.

The edges of the tile I really dislike at the moment, but I need to take a break from it for now and continue again later on. They were done rather quickly as a bit of a test. Initially, the sides of the tile were static and just the top face was animated.

The image below shows the tile on its own, and how it works when actually tiled and what it looks like in a small mockup area.

Comments, crits and suggestions very welcome at this stage...


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