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Topics - Vayliya
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re-Do
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:46:56 pm »
A few weeks ago I was out of town and while stuck in my grandparent-in-laws with my laptop I decided to redo an older pixel I had made instead of working on the new one buried somewhere in the forums

Yea........ the one on the left is the newer one...I look at the old one and cringe. I could have done better with the colors but I was using the old Palace Chat palette. I killed some of the darker colors and I think it did loads for it. I really wasn't going for brand spanking new pixel just what would happen with this piece if I knew what I knew now. So I made myself reuse the lines, but just change the way I colored it.

I know I am late posting this I apologize, my life hasnt quite been stable or normal recently. I went back to school, moved twice, and my hubby keeps getting me sweet video games.

Pixel Art / WiPs a la Vay
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:50:23 am »
Creative title I know.
I'm having trouble finishing and dealing with a new piece at the same time.
Here are a few of my projects in order I most want to finish.
Complete Progress of Dancing Woman
Here is where I am at with the Dancing Woman >>>> And if you need a refence I used...well I didn't here is my sketch progress

I have a few more pieces I'm working on but I will wait until the sketch phase is a little more completed at the moment I only have the chair sketched out and would like to add more to it before I show it off.

Well I guess the formalities have been completed so have at me. Years ago when I was here on an account I can't access anymore you all helped me so much so I hope to get that lucky again XD Thanks in advance and CC me. If you were curious you helped me transform my pixel  into the beauty that it is. Yes that is my piece I just didn't use that account for like...years so it isn't around anymore XD. And I must admit it is kinda weird going through my old pj account o.o

I wanted to add I've been staring at this for a long time so I probably can't see anatomy issues and other things and I will definitely need the help when my next vision finally manifests itself...*goes back to being a fatty....chomps on a nutty buddy bar*

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