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Messages - micr0softener
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Is the body right?
« on: January 20, 2008, 04:50:53 am »
Cyrano de Bergnac, right?

Sorry, sorry, that was a low blow. Anyway, I think you do have to fix the nose- it's a bit mario-ish for a realistic character. Remember the nostrils, the wings of the nose, the bridge, et cetera.

As for the body- your main focus, I assume- you're close. The arms are almost perfect (or the guides are- I can't know how they're going to turn out in the end), except for the right forearm, which seems to bulge a little early and the wrist is a bit thick- unless I'm misreading the guides. As for the body, I think that you've got a pretty solid image going- just beef up the shoulders a ways to match the biceps. It seems like the left shoulder is being yanked back rather hard, without the shirt (or the shoulder beneath) moving to compensate- also, his left shoulder is quite slim in comparison to his right one. Do you have a reference for this one? If not, maybe you could find one.

That all said, at first glance this is a very solid piece- and that says a lot.

Anyway, good luck. (is there a reason his eyebrows are so faint?)

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP]Pixeljoint Import Character
« on: January 20, 2008, 04:21:01 am »
Fair enough calls, both. I'll have to give that one hand moves first thing a shot- it probably would work rather well.
As for the slow idle time, I do have a justification- I've timed it so that it's close to a controlled breathing cycle. Try breathing that speed, in through the nose, out through the mouth. I might have to lengthen the 'holding breath' segment, though.

Pixel Art / Re: Image streaks/Blur/motion streaks?
« on: January 18, 2008, 09:55:12 am »
I suppose the best way to think about motion blurs is to think about the motion itself. Motion blurs are simply a way of making the animation flow smoothly between radically different frames- in Anime, it's referred to as 'ghosting', or turning into a ghost. Temporarily, of course. Ghosting what you call someone leaping from a roof in one frame, being their entire motion path in the second and having landed in the third. It tends to be comic booky- in fact, it is a comic book technique.

Think about comic books. You almost never see the 'moment of contact', except for in really vicious sword battles. What you see is the moment after- the raised fist and the reaction. What motion blurs- at least, in the 'one frame big motion' style- allow is for the artist to emulate this; it blanks the actual motion into a simpler form and allows the viewer's focus to be on the preparation and the reaction. For example, see dtek's falling pole, especially the second one. The second pole is ghosted almost perfectly- it goes from standing to about to fall to every falling frame in one go to having fallen.

Basically, motion blurs are useful for making the animation stay at nearly the same basic framerate while having radically different actual motion speeds. For your peices, the motion blur is useful in the sword combat one (sword moves smoothly) and the massive hammer one (hammer motion is more obvious), and the midair magic slash thing (natural magic trails). However, the falling-down-getting-back-up seems almost sluggish with all the blurs going on (they keep previous frames in the mind of the viewer), and they don't make the animation seem 'faster' or more 'actiony', except for the head-shaking spin lines. If you can animate it at the same framerate and it doesn't look sudden, then it doesn't need blurs. If you can add a single frame and it doesn't look as sudden, then it probably doesn't need blurs, though it might.

Pixel Art / [WIP]Pixeljoint Import Character
« on: January 18, 2008, 09:08:36 am »
Hey. I've got a character design critique going on at Pixeljoint, and was wondering what it would be like here. For future reference, I'm not quite as dedicated as most people here seem to be, so... well, you might not hear from me for a while. But I'll take everything into account.

Right, the character.
This is for a side-scrolling Castlevania/Doukutsu-esque adventure/platformer/rpg game. It's also my second ever attempt at outline breaking. The first image is the character's breathing animation (kind of- mostly it's a test to see if I can animate this thing at all), the second one is the full planning image. Sorry about the black-stars thingy, that's an animation plan for the walk cycle that was part of the image. The other things are the character's base pose, side-on pose and colour blocks.

I've seen that this site is a lot tougher than Pixeljoint for the most part. I'd like to hear about ANY problems you can find. ANYTHING. I'd like this to end up perfect. (ah, wouldn't we all...)

Edit: changed title

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