Hi all,
Me and a buddy have been making a game for a few months now, it's a rouge like shoot em up with flares from Nuclear Throne and Rotmg.
So far, I've been able to do most of the sprites fairly well, but now I've come to the animations and I'm starting to hit a brick wall, animations have always been my weakest part, and specifically, the ones I need help with now.
I've got a few guns that I want to have a muzzle flash animation. that just flickers on and off when the gun is shot. However, from the pictures, you can see that they are far from anything acceptable. I also am not sure what to do since some guns shoot faster than others. For the fast ones, should I just have a 1 or 2 frame animation, where as the slower guns could have a 5 or 6 frame animation? I'm also thinking that part of the problem is because there is now there is no 'glow' from the flash, but I played around with that a little bit and couldn't end up with anything that I liked, so I scraped it.

I'm also wanting to have a 'bullet hit' animation for when a bullet collides with any kind of object. I think this one is a little better than the previous ones, but I for sure want it to be better than what it is now.

Let me know what you guys think I should do, Thanks.