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Messages - Teuthida
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: Should i use shadows
« on: May 07, 2020, 01:56:32 am »
I think the shadows help add a lot of contrast to the sprites, but I would tone them down just a bit - shadows usually aren't pure black in reality. Instead, I would use your darkest shade (the dark purple and blue on the woman, the dark brown on the goat man). Even if that color is already on the lit portion of your sprites, emphasizing it more on the shaded parts will convey the idea of 'shadedness' just fine. If you're still set on the black, though, I would keep both versions of the sprites and reserve the shaded ones for scenes with particularly dramatic lighting.

The sprites themselves look quite nice. I might look into removing some of the color banding on them, though.

General Discussion / Tranferring pixel art to a physical medium?
« on: April 10, 2020, 07:38:33 pm »
Recently, I've been trying to create a physical version of one of my pixel art pieces to give to a friend of mine. I've considered using painted mosaic tiles, but I've been having trouble finding paint colors that match the image's original palette:

If anybody has experience with bringing their pixel art into 'the real world,' I would love to hear what methods and materials you used.

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