Just a heads up, I didn't report anyone. Seemed a bit blunt, but to be fair the face probably did need some work. Here's where I'm at now.
In an attempt to convey shiny leather, I increased the brightness of the highlights on the boots/gloves. I also adjusted the shape of the glove and the shading around the area near the glove to hopefully fix the visually confusing area. I also added a proper "hilt" to the sword to perhaps help with the contrast in that area.
Fixed up the face. Not sure if I like the new "nose" (or implication of one). I have trouble doing faces with few pixels. Also added a third shade to the skin tone but I'm not sure if it was worth it. Actually put in effort with the hair to make it look like some kind of mysterious energy is causing it to flare up and wrap around the character. Not sure about the highlights.
Slight changes to palette for better contrast.
The cape is supposed to be "barbed", the idea being that when combined with magic techniques, it itself becomes a secondary weapon. I tried to show this off better, but then the cape made an annoying tangent line with the sword which drew my eyesight. So I added more red to the sword, but that's just a shortcut and I'll probably end up trying to move the hand around/angle the sword differently so that those two annoying lines aren't so close to each other.
I'll experiment with adding a little bit of twist to the cape next. Thanks for all the comments, I think it already looks a lot better.