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Messages - Frelon-K
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: Read the Rules, then introduce yourself here.
« on: February 09, 2020, 12:29:15 pm »
Hello everyone, Frelon-K, 31 years old, from France.
I'll try to be exhaustive and not being too long.

I'm fairly new to pixel art. To be correct, I purchased Aseprite a while ago and doodled around. But recently, I started a course to improve my pixel art, so it would be more accurate to say I'm taking a fresh start. I am actually on a self-challenge to do one pixel-art per day. Today is the day number 5. This is to evaluate my progress over time.  :)

Otherwise, as a solo developer, I'm like a swiss knife when it comes to game development. I can do composition (this is what I do the best, especially chiptunes). I can code, I actually use Unity and C#. I can also write (the texts I am writing are extremely violent, that is pretty paradoxal). I can do the Community Management (even if I hate this job with a burning passion) and web development (same as CM). I have already released a JRPG (made with RMMV) and a Danmaku (made with Unity) on itch. Sometimes I am a jammer, I actually took part at the GGJ some days ago. Unfortunately, I lack of marketing skills. :blind:

I work actually on a rogue-lite.

I was looking for a small and friendly forum. Firstly because I miss the old Internet. And secondly, because I became sick and tired of social networks. I still have a Twitter account, but this is tiring and boring. I mean, there are a lot of informations and stuff in a short amount of time, all stacking onto a bottomless pit... I can understand some people like it, but to me this is an endless source of stress. So... Well, better find a forum, like the good old days, slow down the pace and take time.  :D

Cheers everyone.  :D

(avatar, signature etc coming soon)

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