Hi everyone!
I'm Mike, long time lurker and first time sharing my own art here. I'm pretty post-shy and pretty art-shy but I take criticism well. I want to learn!
SO. I doodled this with the idea of trying to come up with some mock-ups for a project I want to work on. My goal here is to come up with a 16-colour palette to draw all of the character and environment art needed. I don't have any particular strict limitations as far as hardware or anything like that goes, I just want something that looks good and will be fun to play with. Here's what I have so far.
So yeah, the palette is something I threw together on the fly and didn't really put much thought into as I was going along. So far I like the yellows, browns, and greens I'm using. The dark blue and grey look too similar, I may drop one of those. All the characters I made use 5 colours each. Black is the only colour that isn't used here, so that one is completely open to become a new colour. Might come in handy though, who knows.
For the characters, I seem to have fallen into the same problem as I always do when pixeling, which is that they look alright zoomed-in, and not so much at 100% or 200%. The character directly beside the horse and the larger one at the bottom with the axe bother me quite a bit. The top one just needs to be redone entirely, and the facial hair on the bottom one needs some work. Also, the child looks... generic? Not sure what word I wanna use here, she just looks plain.
Any comments or discussion about colour selection would be greatly appreciated as well.
So yeah!