I didn't read the whole thread, but I think you should look at Gil's edits(the first one is hilarious btw) and correct the things that are out of whack in your animation - i.e., the legs don't bend at the knees, the arms don't bend enough in the elbows and don't move in a big enough arc...
Try to imagine how a human walking would look from that perspective - maybe look out the window at someone on the street.
When animating, keep in mind how the motion will be perceived as the frames change. The most important frames are the ones that stay visible longer - in a walk animation, these are the frames where the legs move the slowest, i.e. when a new step begins/ends and legs are wide apart. The least important frames are the ones where legs move fastest - i.e., when one leg moves ahead of the other and they are close together. Of the three frames in your animation, two are important ones, and one (that gil mentioned) is not important and is actually hurting the animation. If you wanna add more frames (which you should for a sprite that large, I think) choose important ones. This will help you I think: