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Topics - zoekmath
Pages: 1 2 [3]

Pixel Art / [C+C] Moontains
« on: July 22, 2016, 12:41:53 pm »
Hey guys, I've been working some hours on a pixel art landscape. I need your opinion:

Is the palette right? And the shading?
I did this without any reference image, it's 100% mine.
Please let me know what you think and how should I improve.

Edit: Protected the image.

Edit: I don't think it matters much, but I've changed a few things.


-Changed the sky
-Changed the image's width
-Added a bone dragon and a campment with a soldier
-Added, moved and removed some mountains
-Removed the gradient.

I didn't add any extra lightning, sorry but I don't think it would fit the image's purpose right now.
The soldier abandoned his army and is living his life on the mountains, but when he camped he encountered a bone dragon. He turned off the fire and hid behind the pillar.

Should I do the image taller?

General Discussion / Pixel art palette question
« on: July 19, 2016, 06:44:14 pm »
For my pixel arts, I use this kind of palette.
It's just like one or two colors with a lot of tones. But I've seen that many artists don't do it this way.
How should I do the palettes? I want a realistic palette, but how should I do it?

Pixel Art / Dark Knight + Desert Knight
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:17:58 am »

I've tried to do a dark knight, what do you think about it? Please, help me with the shading, it's what I want to improve.
About the anatomy, I did it pretty fast, I know the legs should be longer and the right arm maybe shorter.

Edit: Added a desert knight.

Edit: Smoothed the dark knight.

Pixel Art / [C+C] Anatriscix
« on: May 05, 2016, 04:33:25 pm »
Hey guys, I've been working on something huge for the last few days, and I've been trying new techniques that I hope you like!
The shadowings use from 3 to 5 colors,and they are done a way that it give them different tones, while recreating the texture of wood (or grass).
Now, the monster Anatriscix, the incarnation of nature, my biggest project:

Please zoom in the image to see all the details.

I haven't animated it as it would require days of work, and I also want to work on something else.
You can use it if you credit me.

Note: The "stone" on his chest is not stone, it is another kind of wood.

Please, give me your opinion about this work and what should I improve as it really helps me. Also, it would help me if you told if I am doing the shadowing well. Thanks!

Pixel Art / Pixel Art Pack Bosses [Animated]
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:22:37 pm »
Hey, I have animated the bosses of my pixel art pack, please let me know your opinion!






I have done this as many recommended me to do it, so enjoy them! You are free to use them as long as you credit me!

Pixel Art / Pixel Art Pack
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:54:08 pm »
Hey guys, I want to share with you what I've been doing on the last 4 weeks, it's a pixel art pack which clearly shows how have I been improving while I was doing it.

Please let me know your opinion of this and how could I improve. Thanks a lot.

Pixel Art / Knight battle + Demon Witchcrafter
« on: January 11, 2016, 06:26:59 pm »
Hey, I'm new to this forum, and wanted to show you guys this drawing I made. It took quite a long time to make, so please give your opinion, what should I improve, and if you like it or not.

*Edit: I added more shadows and diferenced more the parts of the dark knight, as Draco suggested. Hope it looks better now!

This is the old picture:

Who do you think that would win the battle? Hope you like it!

EDIT: I added another picture, because I don't have clear if I can post two posts within a day.

*Edit: I improved a lot the shadows, thanks a lot to Pusty for helping me, he actually did a lot for me. I didn't even know "pillow shading" existed.

This is the old picture:

Those two are completely made by me, without nothing provided by another person, and if you're going to use any, tell me and credit me.

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