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Messages - +peter
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Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] rpg mockup tile set
« on: June 10, 2007, 03:38:24 pm »
i think a huge number of people started out learning from SoM etc; particularly people who read tsugumo when they began.

Well, that is exactly who I was reading when I first started learning! When he says things like "Now let's talk Secret of Mana 3, which is quite possibly the most beautiful game I've ever seen" A beginner like me thinks "hmmm, I wonder what it was that they did so well?"

Which is why, Gil, the flowers look very similar as they were literally the second tile I made. I was heavily under the influence of the tutorials at the time, trying to figure out just how an organic shape was pulled off using pixels. As Yosh64 stated before, they still don't work that well, and all the better reason to revise the vegetation.

As I continue to learn more, I hope my methods will help remove the similarities that exist between this and the other works that aided in teaching me the basics.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] rpg mockup tile set
« on: June 10, 2007, 06:07:28 am »
Yosh64 - okay I now see what you mean regarding the grass, sorry for misunderstanding. That is a case of trying to use a tile in a place that it was not originally intended. That's funny because it is doing the complete opposite of what I had hoped. Ah, the problems with staring at your own piece for too long.

The palette IS embarrassing. I made an error (unknowingly) when creating some tiles early on, the problem was compounded as I continued using those tiles as a source for new ones. What I ended up with was a palette of 30 colors, only half of which I make effective use of.

I guess its a learning thing. Challenges I did not even know existed reveal themselves as I continue the process. My next tile set will obviously have this problem remedied. Thanks for your input!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] rpg mockup tile set
« on: June 10, 2007, 05:01:03 am »
whoa! was not expecting this ....  ???

Adarias - yeah, it is kind of dull, but I am not going to expect my first attempt to be completely oozing with original, creative energy. hopefully my second will. When I have beaten this to death, I really want to try something much more divergent.

Feron - it is not a rip at all. no copying took place. I studied similar images for about an hour when I first started, just to understand the methodologies of pixel art, not to recreate the original.The last 15 hours were without reference to shapes or forms. After that first hour, I just problem solved the entire tileset into working. Despite coloring similarities, the more I progress, the more my method develops and style hopefully emerges.

As I continue on more tiles, hopefully the similarities will start to give way to my own vision of a cliched RPG world.

yosh64 - Thank you for the support! Haha, those flowers still dont work do they. I spent a lot of time trying to get that to work. That was maybe my third tile though, so I should probably revisit now that I have a better idea what I am doing.

That is an interesting note about the grass on the cliffs. I was hoping that by altering that grass I could break up the monotony of the grass tile while really pointing to the fact the ledge is indeed coming to an end. I wonder how that could be solved, by instead of cutting that grass, adding a bit more brightness to the cliff's crest or maybe coming up with a shadow tile for the base of the cliff, or putting more contrast into the cliff face.

Others' points regarding the grass, I agree it is not defined on the tile itself, however I am interested in using supplementary tiles to fill in that knowledge for the viewer (note the existing long grass tiles pointing left and right). We'll see how that works.

The massive palette on the grass, I think will remain on this one (though I agree with the suggestions) allowing me to continue on to more tiles that should really help the piece "pop."

Pixel Art / [WIP] rpg mockup tile set
« on: June 09, 2007, 06:57:04 pm »
Alright, well this is my very first post here. I have visited many times in the past and slowly built my inspiration to the point where I had to start making something. Thus I present to you 38 hand pixeled, 16x16  tiles, arranged in a way that begin to function as a mockup to an RPG of the 16 bit era. I understand this theme has been done to death, but you have to start somewhere.

I know of many problems that you all will probably spot pretty quickly as well. The layout does not break the grid as much as I hope, and there still needs to be more variety. Palette wise, I am using about 30 colors in total. I would love to get that number down in future revisions as there is a lot of wasted green. I believe this simple mockup might already be outside of SNES spec memory wise.

Any advice and crits you can offer are extremely appreciated!

My next step on this is to work in a bit more variety into the existing tiles, then move onto more set tiles such as dirt paths, water and trees and buildings.  :)

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