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Messages - Shori
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Ilioyd
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:20:11 am »

Did away with the more solid shading, just doesn't look good from what I've tried. Minor pant design-change, and moving on to more interesting positions.

Playing with the palette to attempt to get his clothing/hair to a more appropriate representation for black, than faded grays.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Ilioyd
« on: March 14, 2010, 07:09:50 pm »
Nice catch, Roy Khan is indeed part of the inspiration for this character's design.  ;)

Pixel Art / [WIP] Ilioyd
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:34:19 am »
Been.. Quite awhile since I've posted anything here, and also quite a long time since I've done any pixelling at all. Also, I've never had a huge amount of practice at normal clothing, so!

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

I'm aware that standing somewhat close to 'at attention' isn't the most dynamic pose, this is more 'character design' than an action-y pose that I would use in a game =)
I'm.. Not entirely sure what to do with the shading, and would very much appreciate tips on that area.

Comments and critique would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

the line across the knees is part of the pants's design. ;x
I've got nothing new to add, c+c-wise :<
I think they look good :o

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Platformer game
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:36:40 am »
Not terribly fond of the changes that you made, other than the saturation :p

edit: Changed and reuploaded
Edit: And again:
Changed the shirt
Andddd minor edits + armor.
sleep time !

Pixel Art / [WIP] Platformer game
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:51:38 pm »
So, I've finally decided to register and post some of my works.
I've been browsing for quite awhile ;(  This forum has some of the best pixel work I've ever seen on it.

Shori, my namesake character:

The beginning of the animation is just there to show how I slowly went from the android 'skeleton' to the full fleshed out character.  Now that I've adjusted how he's standing and the like, I'll make a new skeleton for him, and from that more poses.  ;(  I'm still working on tidying up the shading on this sprite, however!

And yes, I know about the forum's zoom feature.  Just a habit to do 2x size, I'll reupload in a bit <_<;

And as for the 'game' bit, Shori's a character in the game.  I'll be posting quite a few of the character sprites here for comments and criticism ;(

Pages: [1]