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Topics - ld2i
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Pixel Art / [WIP] Prison tilemap
« on: October 30, 2010, 09:49:35 am »
Hi!  This is my first post though I've been lurking here for some time.  I've been dabbling with making graphics for a project using the OHRRPGCE which I hope will eventually get off the ground.  In the meantime though, just making the tile-sets is great fun.  I'm not a exactly a n00b with pixelart, but on a 1(n00b)-10(master) scale, I'd put myself at around 3 or 4.  Anywho, was hoping to get some C+C on the tile-set I'm currently working on.

The layout is just for testing, so the structure of the prison/dungeon is pretty lame (and makes no sense whatsoever) but I usually slowly piece together a scene sample like this so I can see how things will blend with each other.  The pink/purple bordered people are placeholders for actual sprites as I haven't done those yet.  I'm also rather more inept with sprites than I am with tiles :blind:

The palette I'm using is the default palette for OHR games (

The main problems I see so far are with the contrast of some things.  The table for instance somewhat blends into the floor.  I've tried adding shadow to it but it doesn't look too spiffy as yet.  The pillory has the same problem.  The barrels look a bit blah and I was wondering how to make them stand out better.

Also, I'm thinking of what else to add as it seems, as of now, rather featureless.  I'm thinking of adding a few things to the tile-set, mainly an iron maiden, stuff to put onto the table, a fire for the fireplace, shadows (maybe) for some of the walls, broken grates, trapdoors, braziers, etc...  If anyone has any other ideas, I'm more than open to suggestions.

The current tile-sets I've used are below:

Thanks ahead of time for your help  :y:

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