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Messages - Jim16
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Pixel Art / Re: Mockup Remake
« on: July 25, 2016, 07:20:58 pm »
Thanks man. I agree about changing that robot up a bit, adding colour etc. So I've had a go at it today.

Hopefully a step in the right direction, still need to go ahead and finish some of the limbs as well as clean up under the head and other places. So as you can see its still very much a wip, and I can see it changing a lot in the future.

I have been working on other assets over the last couple days, but I feel like 3-4 basic tiles isn't worth showing at the moment.
Tomorrow I hope to work on a small slice of the original mockup and hopefull finish and show it by the end of tomorrow.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] RTS sprites
« on: July 20, 2016, 07:03:25 pm »
There seems to be dither artifacts in this image if you look close enough?

I will say, this looks really pretty, I really can't fault much. Just be consistent with shadows, the gate and the support pillar like walls don't cast one at the moment.
And this, which will take a few seconds to fix.

Pixel Art / Re: Mockup Remake
« on: July 20, 2016, 06:11:31 pm »
Thanks Curly and yeah you're right, I've removed that colour.

So yesterday was spent in the sun with cider, beer and spirits at hand. Turns out too much of that isn't to great for productivity.

Today I've been hard at work on the last guy from the mockup, Robot cop, and oh how hard it has been so far. I've woken up with a bit of an art block, and initially every thing I made looked crap. But tired, hungover and way to hot I slogged away and, well, its not too bad. But first the old.

Robot cop
I can remember being so proud of of this big guy when I first made him. Now looking at him makes me cringe a little. I just see sooo many flaws, more so than the other 3 characters I've reworked. Also his light got lost in the background :( And I can remember someone calling it a fez  :( :(

Todays refernces are:
Just a very big robot.
More of a mech, but it looks super cool.
Love the colours used here, might do something similar later on as all the robots so far are very clean and shiny looking.
I was trying to get ideas on how to do the legs with this one, I still don't think it looks nice.
I did use more references this time as I really couldn't get the legs to look nice, I still don't like them  :-\

Anyway, here was one of the the first passes, I didn't save the other iterations because they all sucked. But I wish I had just to show you the trouble I went through.

and here's where I am now, still not happy.

Any critique or edits more than welcome.
Next I'll start working on the tile set.

Pixel Art / Re: Nomad
« on: July 20, 2016, 12:16:03 pm »
There is still a lot that you can improve. Right now though it might be a good idea to break this down into smaller, more manageable sections and just focus on getting those sections looking right.

For example, I'd just focus on the head. Right now anatomically if you stripped away the clothing, I don't know if you could realistically fit a mouth and chin on that face, and I have to ask myself if the forehead is large enough. I know its all relative, because you're not necessarily going for realism, the big eyes being the biggest example,  but it won't hurt looking at references of faces to give yourself a rough idea of better proportions.

Also try and work on creating better lines and shapes. The hoodie part of the jacket has a very jagged look to it because your lines are all over the place. Try and clean it up and make sense of how the hoodie would actually sit and hang on the face, because right now, on the characters right side of the face you can see more skin than the other side. Its just those little things that if you clean up would be easier for us to look at as consumers.

Lighting and shading is still a big issue, its not somethings I spent much time on to fix in my edit last time, for example the chest looks blotchy, because the transition from light to dark isn't smooth enough and that's evident all over. Also small things like shadow on top of the head? Right now with the latest version I noticed that you actually lost some contrast that you had previously had, so it might be worth messing about with the colours a bit more.

I struggle to convey critique, so I might create an edit later after you've done another pass on this character.
Hope that helps.

Pixel Art / Re: Mockup Remake
« on: July 18, 2016, 11:47:34 am »
Another day, another sprite :)

Today I've been working on the Robo dog. He was probably one of my favorite sprites from the old mockup. And to me out of the two enemy sprites (the other being the large robot), the dog actually looked like a menacing threat. Looking back at the original now I can see that it didn't really read all that well, the lighting was a inconsistent and the head was exaggerated a bit too much. The last point not necessarily being a bad thing at that small size.

Wrex the Robo dog!
I probably could go back to the original and clean it up, but at this point I'd rather leave it as a reminder of what I was capable of back in 2011. Also a note about Wrex's character, he's not actually a bad dog, I mean, all he really want to do is play. Its just unfortunate that he rushes up to you super fast and has jaws made of metal. Making play time not so fun if you have flesh  ;D

So today's references where:
Looks like something from Crysis, very cool.
Okay, so this is probably one of the coolest pictures on the internet!
Cartoon like dog ref.
I want to do something similar to the eyes here, it gives of really cool luminescent glow.

Again I started working on this as soon as I found the references.
Here's what I have so far. Any thoughts?

I've also made some small changes to the other two characters. The process is slow, but I'm getting there.

Thats it for now, I do have the afternoon off, so I might make a start on the last character in the old mockup. We'll see.

Pixel Art / Re: Nomad
« on: July 17, 2016, 10:04:42 pm »
As quick an edit as I can possibly make, I'm being rushed to play rocket league.

I saw this the first time round, thought I'd take some time to post.
Major things I want to point out with the latest iteration as quickly as possible. The character looks like he's going to topple over backwards. Lighting is all over the place, it might be worth reading a bit into light theory. Anatomically its still a bit odd compared even to the old one. Clothing doesn't seem separate to the person, they look like one entity, things like having clothing hanging or blowing in the wind can go a long way in make this read as more believable. The shadow on the chest makes no sense?

Hope that helps a bit, will clean up this post tomorrow.

Pixel Art / Re: Mockup Remake
« on: July 17, 2016, 09:11:59 pm »
So on I go. Remade Gus yesterday, and today I've decided to remake one of the robot characters. Not sure what he's called yet, I'll call him Robot1 for now. What I do know is that he's an A.I. with a funny sense of humor, and he's a bit of a slimy character.

I made him lean in the original mockup to kinda give a sense of his character, but that's a bit hard to convey with so few pixel.

Anyway, here are a few references I found for the new revision.
The hats not really my jam, but it does look really cool and its more to inspire more than to grab ideas from.
Bender, clearly an obvious reference and the first thing that came to mind when thinking about robots.
Last one, really well drawn, more of the kind of robot I'm looking for.

I did do some work on this character today, so here's how he's getting on.

Robot1 redo
He looks okay I think. I do think that he looks a bit different in style compared to Gus above, but it is still early days and I'll eventually try and unify the style. Now on to roughly draw the robot dog! Should be fun because he's pretty much my favorite aspect of the original.

Pixel Art / Mockup Remake
« on: July 16, 2016, 02:16:56 pm »
So I don't really have the time to commit to any long term projects at the moment, so instead, I thought it might be nice to revisit an old mockup I made back in 2011. I'm a bit rusty as I don't do much art at all and haven't done much for a long time, so we'll see how this goes. Please bare with me  ::)

I kinda want to use this thread to jot down my thoughts, inspirations, references and generally post any progress I make. So while I am looking for feedback, just know that initially I won't have anything to show, just thoughts. Anyway,

Here's the old Mockup

Looks pretty right?
I know there are a lot of issues here, but I don't think it looks terrible. So here are a few issues I know about because of previous comments and what I've learnt over the years. So, Priority issues, characters didn't read well enough, it wasn't obvious that the character could interact with things and the mockup didn't illustrate well enough what the characters objectives where. The last point being the most important, I mean it looks like a game, but what do you actually do? I just made things back then and threw them into an image without to much thought about anything other than what the game might to look like. And now I think it might be fun to revisit this with a new perspective.

I'm not sure where people usually start when making a game, probably concept art. I'm probably skip the concept art part and just use references for inspiration, which I will post as I go. And I 'll start specifically with the main character, because, well that seems fun and motivation drives me at the moment  :crazy:

Something to note, I'll be working at a higher resolution compared to the last mockup.

Here he is.

I won't talk about the characters objective, mainly because I have no idea what that is yet, but thats all part of the journey I guess.
Things I do know.
-He's from the past.
-He's a mechanic.
-Red and blue colour scheme (might change).

References so far:
Apparently if you search mechanic you'll find red and blue to be a very common colour scheme.
Trucker is probably more accurate in what type of clothing I want him to wear. Maybe.
Uhh, this give me ideas, pug sidekick anyone??!
This is the last red for the character

I think I'll start doing some art now :)

Okay, first pass on the character done. Will look at it again in the morning.

Gus 1.52
I decided to keep him largely the same, keeping the trucker hat and white shirt, but changing the blue jeans for a mechanics overalls which are pulled down to his waist, also changed the read sneakers for black steel capped boots. Hopefully the overalls will add to making a more dynamic, interesting looking animation, and the heavy boots would also add more weight. I'm not going to put to much thought into it, because I'm likely to change this a lot  :)

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] The young warlock studies
« on: July 10, 2016, 10:35:40 pm »
The statues look too bright, and could do with de-saturating to make them fit in well in the background. I do like that you've de-saturated the back as it really pushes the character into the foreground.

Light source seems to be a strong and from behind, yet the warlock doesn't cast a shadow as strong as the rest of the objects on the table. I'd also change the lighting around the hoodie to be more of a rim lighting, right now it looks a bit noisy and doesn't make much sense. I also think that there should be less light on the characters face, and instead you should work more with shadows.

I'm not sure why he hasn't got a mouth? Something simple to add to his expression might go a long way to helping us understand how he's feeling, bored, excited, afraid?

Overall it looks pretty good though, so if you're finished, then that's that.

Archived Activities / Re: Secret Santa 2015 Sign-Up
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:51:25 pm »
I'm in.

  • Game Mockups.
  • Most things Science fiction or fantasy based.
  • Anything Marvel, or DC. Particularly loving the DC,Marvel tv series at the moment.
  • Christmas is my favourite part of the year, so yeah, anything Christmasy is cool.
  • Star Wars movies coming out next month! So anything Star Wars would be fitting :) .
  • Games: Witcher series, Dragon Age Series, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Destiny, Diablo
  • Anime: Full metal Alchemist, Naruto, DBZ, Yugioh(original series) , Digimon(original series), Metabots
  • PUGS

  • raisins
  • Not much really.

Looking forward to taking part again this year :crazy:

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