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Messages - pixelblink
Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 15

Pixel Art / Re: Almdudler - WIP
« on: December 03, 2005, 02:20:03 am »
the dude looks familiar to Lesuire Suit Larry in alot of ways... was he your inspiration? Looks awesome so far in any case... loking forward to the final

Pixel Art / Re: Beauty
« on: December 03, 2005, 02:17:42 am »
looks terrific so far! Keep going :)

Pixel Art / Re: Lineart Exchange. Because I only like doing half the work.
« on: November 22, 2005, 07:27:13 am »
That last one on the right looks so familiar, Blink. Where does that come from as I remember seeing it coloured by this guy on Ptoing's temporary BBoard.
I made it originally. What's the link to the one you saw?
There's no link as Ptoing destroyed the forum once Pixelopolis went live. Perhaps, I'm mistaken here, if I ever see the guy posting art here, I'll ask him for the piece he showed on Ptoing's board and show you.

There was a guy who coloured my lines in at PJ :
scroll down and you'll see it. His name was Qunit though I'm certain he goes by something else in other circles

Pixel Art / Re: Lineart Exchange. Because I only like doing half the work.
« on: November 20, 2005, 08:50:49 am »
That last one on the right looks so familiar, Blink. Where does that come from as I remember seeing it coloured by this guy on Ptoing's temporary BBoard.
I made it originally. What's the link to the one you saw?

Pixel Art / Re: Lineart Exchange. Because I only like doing half the work.
« on: November 18, 2005, 06:15:12 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Tangents ( The Critique Theory thread )
« on: November 16, 2005, 06:45:43 pm »
I know this might get me banned and all
Im sick of this. I'm leaving
kind of pointless to make note of being banned when you're leaving anyways don't you think?

Do you really NEED to put yourself up at the podium on everyfucking point. Making long as posts left right and center just to make yourself look all badass etc. I'm sick of your elitist junk. I don't mind Helm making long posts and whatnot but he doesnt do it every fucking time, besides...hes a cool dude, and i can respect him. You on the other hand just come off as an Elitist asshole
What's wrong with him having an opinion?

Im sick of this. I'm leaving, I don't want much part of this pixelopolis place anymore anyways, its all retarded. With fucking elections and all that. I just think its all becoming far too lame.
I really don't see the gripe about elections. As far as I'm concerned, they're just to get members more involved in the forums by having them a part of the process as to what goes on here. Some people care at least. The people that run and the people that vote have enough heart in this forum to care what kind of future it'll bring. Also, it's not as if they have any true power to raise your taxes, cancel welfare, or make the country a worse place than it already may be. This is all for fun. Once again, for FUN.

Its not like its going to matter if I leave because you all dont give a shit about me anyways...
Probably not if you're trying a "poor me" attitude. IMO, you be concentrating less on what you read into peoples posts and more on trying to understand WHERE THEY'RE COMING FROM. Have a little empathy, patience, and intelligence and you may be able to look past the negative stuff.

I'm Blink and this has been another edition of Pixel Panty News!
Good Night and God Speed

General Discussion / Re: Tangents ( The Critique Theory thread )
« on: November 16, 2005, 07:41:47 am »
Holy crap... I love you guys! I love how much thought and energy you put into creating your pieces as well as the comments and feedback and arguments and whatnots. You all show alot of heart and I just wish I could give as much of a thought to writing something down as alot of you do. You don't just blow up and tell eachother to "fuck off and die", you give reaons for your actions. This is so refreshing to see.

It is almost confusing to see what is actually going on here but if I could break it down it looks like we're saying that you shouldn't comment on a persons style of art but on the technical aspects of it. Comment on the lack of dithering, a more rounder edge here or there, a different shade of colour, a different light source, etc. Commenting on an artists particular style is kind of counteractive. The artist could perhaps have no other perception of another style to create because they enjoy creating it. And isn't that what art should really be? Personally, art is for myself first and foremost.

Anyways, there will always be a fine line between helpful critisism and just plain bashing or asspatting. I think it helps more when the artist being critiqued can be honest about how they feel about a comment. Learn your community here guys n gals... there's a ton of awesome people to get to know... take the time to know them.
I don't even think this really answered anything.

Thanks for that awesome link BTW Camus :)

Pixel Art / Re: Girl Power - WIP
« on: November 12, 2005, 01:57:26 am »
hell no... I should've done it up a week in advance. Had a fun time last night though.. didn't get home until 8:30am and got up at 2pm after some much needed sleep.
Anyways, I'll still finish this up later in the week

Pixel Art / Girl Power - WIP
« on: November 10, 2005, 07:02:07 pm »
Okay gang... going to a theme party tonight called Girl Power.. essentially it's a rave with pink and lace as the theme. I'm thinking of finishing up the following picture (which I began only 1 hour and 30 mins ago) and putting it on a pink tee shirt. There's 30 colours so far and I'm not even sure how much it'd cost to get it printed on a tee... we shall see

here's the original flyer on to which is was based:

Update: This is where I'm at right now - don't think this be done in time :(

I'm still playing Push Push Penguin a year later. That was a wicked remake dude.

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