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Messages - Opacus
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Pixel Art / Re: The Deep
« on: July 31, 2009, 02:36:56 pm »
I don't know the stringy things look weird. try to work on them a little bit.
Maybe use some dithering or AA. ???

Yes the strings will definatly be AA'd as soon as I fill in the rest of the background.
But it has to wait until it is nearly done.

Minor Update:

I'm also considering a darker mood. Which do you prefer?

Pixel Art / Re: The Deep
« on: July 31, 2009, 02:11:46 pm »
it's a flame lookalike ,now ?

Yes, that's kind of the idea. A very bright, nearly flame like creature in a blue ocean.

I've decided to temporarly put the Dreadnought on hold and finish this first. I was away for a week and looking back at the Dreadnought I realise I should follow Nd's advice, and create something more 'alive'.
For now, I want to finish this one. I'm too proud of it not to finish it, would be a waist. So here I go with the latest version.

I'm not to sure about those darker bits in the water. But it looks so bland without anything. hmm...

Pixel Art / Re: Dreadnought
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:42:24 pm »
I do care about the build yes, and I'm happy with how he looks.
Anyway, I'll be in Spain the next week so don't expect any updates for a while. Don't let that stop you from giving critique though. I'll review it all when I get back and update accordingly.

Pixel Art / Re: Ideas?
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:42:10 pm »
What Larwick said. Regardless of what you might think of all the people here, they're trying to help you!
Critique can be hard to take sometimes. And it's often wrongly interpreted as an insult. But you have to understand that all the people are here to help you.
Atnas has done nothing but offered you help, yet you seem to think he's some jerk that's bullying you. We're here to help you get better.

You have to understand that this is not a showcase site. You post your art here to receive critique, to use that critique to improve your art.
Try to see it like a school. Every pixel art you make is a test. And we're the teacher, picking out the mistakes and suggesting what to do to fix those mistakes.

Pixel Art / Re: Dreadnought
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:18:59 pm »
Though technically it is in a sketching phase, I've spent more than 5 hours on it so far. It took forever to get that Dreadnought exactly right.
Thanks for your imput though man :). Much apreciated. I'll try to think a bit ore of the viewpoint and so in my next piece.

I really like the Dawn of War games. Both of them. They might not catch all the races perfectly. (Though I wouldn't know that) But I do very much enjoy them.
And most of all, it's SO MUCH CHEAPER than the tabletop games. I mean, 35 euros for a 10cm Dreadnought? That's terrible!

Pixel Art / Re: Dreadnought
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:52:34 pm »
Haha. I do have a few Space Marines, they're Dark Templars though. (I'm not really aiming at any chapter with this one though. Which explains the lack of chapter marks)

Though I get your point Nd, I'm not about to scrap the entire piece and start completely anew. I do honestly like it this way.
I can understand you would want him to look more dynamic. But I like the slow relic Dreadnought. The slow aproach, his stomping, it makes him all the more badass.
You really get the idea there's a building walking towards you. Which is pretty intimidating. Now I do see where a very fast version of a Dreadnought would be more deadly and more efficient.
But I like him the slow way. I do agree that a different angle might benefit the piece. (A lower view for example could help empathise that big, bulky posture of his) But it's come too far to change that. I just don't think it's worth scrapping the entire thing for.

You say an Orc is about 10 feet, and a Dreadnought 20. When I picture the held orc upright he does seem that tall to me.
Maybe it's his posture that's making him look small. I'll work on that.

Here's a small update with the orc atleast having a less teddybear face.

Pixel Art / Re: Dreadnought
« on: July 14, 2009, 09:12:32 am »
It's a Dreadnought from the Warhammer universe. I don't play the tabletop game, I do love the Dawn of War RTS games though.

you really should play the games, or at least read the backstory dedicated to them.  I know that doesn't sound like much of a crit, but hear me out:

your dreadnought right now is COMPLETELY lifeless.  The dreadnought in the game is the ultimate piece of reverence on the battlefield.  It is a walking reliquary, the sarcophagus of a nearly-destroyed brother in arms.  the dreadnought outranks even the chaptermaster in his outfit, and often houses the body of a former chapter-master.  they have seen the brutality of chaos at it's utmost, and survived it with their honor and soul intact.  they represent the most pious and venerable warriors of the imperium, beyond even the Inquisition and examination of the daemonhunters.  this guy, on the other hand, just looks like a kinda dopey suit of armor with a flamethrower on his hand.

I DO know the backstories Nd. And I do know that the Dreadnought is a walking sarcophagus that houses a very important fallen champion that has been revived so it may serve the empire once again.
However, as far as I know, Dreadnoughts just ARE very lifeless. They talk slowly and heavily. They walk slowly. They turn slowly. And the only thing they can really do is wreak havoc on the battlefield. They've basicly just become robots.

The one in my drawing is on a distance from the enemy, shooting them with his chaingun, and maybe he's slowly closing in to grab some orcs and crush some bones. I really wouldn't know how to add more life to a wallking sarcophagus. I don't really understand what you'd want me to do with him.

Ptoing; yeah that might be a good idea. I'll probably move him back a bit. Give hime some orcs to shoot. Probably more than one. And maybe a few more on the background.

And Ian: I'll give that some thought.

Here's the most recent one:

EDIT: Here's a darker one. Which do you prefer?

I gave him a dead orc in his claws for more 'interaction'. And of course to make him seem a bit more menacing.

Pixel Art / Dreadnought
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:53:31 pm »
I think this has come far enough to start asking for some critique now.
It's a Dreadnought from the Warhammer universe. I don't play the tabletop game, I do love the Dawn of War RTS games though.
Currently enjoying both 1 and 2.

Anyway, this is it:

It's a pretty ambitious piece, as it is rather large. I hope I can finish this though as I really like it.
There are 15 colours so far. I've used a number of references. The Dreadnought in Dawn of War (You can give it a complete 360 turn in the menu, very handy. You can only twist it horizontaly though)
This image was also a prominent reference.

And furthermore some of the actual models from the games workshop site, and some other drawings.

There are still alot of placeholders. Obviously the surroundings are far from done. And the flash coming from the Dreadnought's gun is also a placeholder.
Some critique would be apreciated.

(I haven't given up on the Jellyfish yet. I just need to come up with some briliant idea for the background.)

Pixel Art / Re: Robot mockup
« on: July 13, 2009, 11:16:44 am »
The biggest problem you've got going on here is the formlesness of the robots. They look lik amorphous blobs. You should really be studying form and light. Most of the shadows and highlights really don't make any sense. And this make them look very flat, and rather strange. Even though you have drawn the forms themselves right, the shadows convince you they're a shape they're not supossed to be. If that makes any sense. Try to observe forms in real life, look up photo references, see how light falls on and influences a form.

I suggest you give this tutorial a read, it's very good and I'm sure it'll be a great help:

The forms are not the only problem though. The overall posture of the robots is also greatly lacking. Especially the pose of the blue robot. He has this very strange stance that doesn't exactly make him look like he's ready for a fight.
You should also really take a look at the perspective issues. I know you probably want the blue robot to be symetrical, but currently he looks completely different on the other side because there are a lot of mistakes made in the lineart.
For example, his left shoulder (our view) looks like it's facing backwards, while the right shoulder looks like it's facing forwards.

You should also give the designs of the robots alot more thought. The right one is okay, though not without it's problems. But the blue robot doesn't really make any sense in terms of design. I realise you might want them to look cartoony or whatever, but the joints for example still don't make any sense. There's no indication of knee joints on his legs, which would make it impossible for him to walk. In fact, there's no real indication of any leg joints at all.
Take a look at a few robot designs. Like gundams or Mechwarriors to give you some ideas on this.

Good luck!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Sharptail Helicopter | Game
« on: June 30, 2009, 08:58:01 pm »
Allright, here's the deal. Don't worry you didn't piss me off :). Maybe just for a second, but probably only because I'm a bit stressed because of school.
That's besides the point.

The thing is: If you KNOW there are things wrong with your art, but you don't plan on changing it, say so from the start!
This makes sure that we don't say anything you already know, wasting your time. Or us giving critique invain, wasting our time.
Just make sure that you tell us everything you already know, to make sure we don't point it out again.

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