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Messages - thetooth
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Pixel Art / [c + c] Neo platformer
« on: December 06, 2012, 03:58:13 am »

Title Screen

In game, enemys and lighting effects

Wall jump!

Attention: Some of the art used in this game has been borrowed, they will be replaced with my own before release so settle down.

I'm currently working on a little platformer to further my programming skills and was wondering what people think of the current art direction, the idea being something similar to cave story but focusing on doing long jumps maneuvers (similar to super meat boy) but without any of the rpg elements.

There is heavy post processing thats all implemented on the GPU(none of the screen shots have been edited, just cropped), things like film grain and highlights are already in use.

Also if you noticed the title is a direct rip of Metroid on the NES but with the Pantone equivalent pallet.

Things i actually drew:
  • Brown and green blocks
  • Character
  • UI and Title
  • Water
Everything else belongs to their rightful owners(which i don't remember).

General Discussion / Re: Hand Anti-Aliased Bitmap Fonts
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:36:47 pm »
If your project is to be licensed GPL, there's no problem using the grafx2 font, otherwise you need to ask its original author. PM me if you need his e-mail.

6x8 (including horizontal and vertical spacing) is pretty rare. On the other hand, it's very small so painting a font at this size is pretty fast. How many distinct colors are available ?
Yeah, 6x8 would be ideal, but i started working on a 8x8 font, once you add the AA and shave the edges off it looks much cleaner like 6x8 tend to.
Also the constrains aren't so much in display capability's, its just limited processing power. the target is android and iphones, so 16bits color with up to 32bits of alpha blending(which is what i'm using, its much better than pallet indexes :P).

The code is BSD, but i'll be selling it non the less...

General Discussion / Re: Hand Anti-Aliased Bitmap Fonts
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:21:32 am »
wow! i never knew LSDJ had AA, its very subtle, which i like.

Thanks for those links, i really like game fonts, i suppose i should just suck it up and do my own AA, and yeah i don't just want to rip stuff, i am using the font from grafx2 at the moment, but because its a texture i can't use it in any image editors as a font. and using something so unique is going to raise questions if i start using it all over the place without licensing(grafx2 is free and all but i doubt the artists that made those resources would be too impressed).

i think i'm going to have a go at AA'ing "Amiga Forever"

General Discussion / Hand Anti-Aliased Bitmap Fonts
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:39:28 am »
Hi, i'm working on a project thats being released on a handful of embedded devices, it contains a lot of text so a decent font is required.

What i'm looking for, is a collection or pointer to some __pre anti-aliased__ bitmap fonts. As i don't have the option to implement a full blown freetype renderer i need the fonts to be pre-rendered as a fixed width table.
Heres and example of what i mean, from the grafx2 project:

I'm pretty sure these were done by hand, as i've fond it impossible to render any fonts at this quality. So where can i get more like this, or how would it be possible to convert aliased fonts to a much smoother variant?

P.S. to be clear i'm looking for small(6x8 px) fixed width fonts that can be used in a console as well as normal screen text.


i srysly can't wait to see this finished, thats another thing i love about pixelart, it demands perfection, most painters would leave that image as is(even the part behind wing)............................................ i came ^D^

Guess i used the wrong word here(that or you all hate me?)

Please don't feel like anyone hates you, I don't think it's the case at all.
eye eye mr admin sir ^D^

Guess i used the wrong word here(that or you all hate me?) i just prefer it over other styles because all you have to do is zoom in and be able to see exactly how the image was created, its the same with chiptunes, the final product can rival traditional composition styles yet still be de-compiled and reimplemented, without "copying".

Link to MASSIVE picture

...and not any good at it :P

General Discussion / Re: Best game GUI's
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:19:39 am »
Just a question, general UI Design or Pixelated UI design?
Well just handhelds and older consoles really, all the latest games have really taken a dive when it comes to the interface... "Press A really fast to beat this boss" etc...

Edit: removed embedding due to the ugliness :P

General Discussion / Best game GUI's
« on: November 30, 2010, 08:42:27 am »
Just like to know what everyone thinks is a exceptional job at UI design and implementation. As i'm making a game myself i need some ideas for menus, HUD, etc.
The best i've seen would have to be the menus in Advance Wars 2, everything just worked perfectly and the way the sound and animations match up is awesome. 2nd to that would be Mother 3, so simple yet omg, perfect!

Attach images if you can :p

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