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Messages - Arachne
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Red Dragon
« on: November 20, 2008, 04:43:26 pm »
The blue is jagged edges and nitpicking a bit, but the banding is a more consistent problem shown in yellow.

Here's some recycled dithering advice since it also applies here.

See if you can break those lines. :)

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: [WIP] Red Dragon
« on: November 18, 2008, 11:29:15 pm »
I like it, but I think it needs a bit of cleaning up to really bring out the details.

When you're working on something this size, I think it's important to make the most out of the little space you have, and use thin outlines if you're going to use any. Another thing that adds to line thickness is the color of the lines. High contrast lines seem thicker, so try to avoid using black where it's not really necessary in order to see the lines.

Dithering should also be used with care, preferably only to blend colors where needed and suggest texture (scales in this case). You also have a bit of banding and some similar colors. I think it's a good idea to keep the increase/decrease in hue/saturation/brightness fairly constant between the colors in the ramps, but also keep in mind that you need fewer colors in ramps that are only going to be used in small areas (like the white) than in the colors for larger areas (like the red). Your palette is also a bit plain at the moment. Try varying the hues a bit more.

The dragon itself seems to lack a clearly defined light source. Try to move the highlights closer to the light and add more shadow in the other end. You can use ambient light to suggest forms in the darkest parts if you feel you lose too much detail by doing that.

The shadow cast by the dragon on the ground could be lighter so it's easy to tell it apart from the dragon itself.

This is a fairly extensive edit, but I wanted to give you some ideas for colors and how to sharpen it up a bit and still keep it AAed and dithered. I thought green would serve as a nice contrast to the red and moved the highlights towards yellow. You're free to find other combinations, of course.

I hope that's useful. :)

Pixel Art / Re: Fable 2, Troll - W.I.P
« on: November 15, 2008, 01:43:30 pm »
Personally, I prefer to start out with basic shapes and colors instead of starting out with detailed line art. Even when I draw line art, I start out on paper so that it's easier to sketch out the forms of the creature before I start filling in details.

I'd start with the shape of the tree as a whole, then add the largest parts, like the hat, the arms and the face. Then gradually add more and more details. I think placing the different parts in relation to each other and getting proportions right is much easier this way, and I can see what I'll end up with fairly quickly. You can get advice on colors, composition and such pretty much right away. It also leaves some room for vagueness, as opposed to line art.

I don't know if you'd be more comfortable with working that way, but it's something to think about. ;D

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Trioculi
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:05:11 pm »
I realized that having the reflection of the arms of the closest creature block out the reflection of the eyes of the second didn't really make sense since the water's not still, so I changed that. I also tried to make the wet sand reflect some of the light as well, since that's what it would do, but I couldn't make it work without drawing too much attention to it.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Trioculi
« on: September 12, 2008, 10:57:29 pm »
Thanks a lot! Glad you guys liked it! ;D And you've brought up some interesting questions.

my personal impression is to say 'screw it' about the water-reflection critique... not because it's not valid (and I'm loving the awesome critique and discussion about it), but because the end result you have now is very visually appealing regardless.  removing the reflections from under the front-most monster breaks the water-effect you have going on.  In this particular case I'd say art before science
Well, it doesn't look as if I'll be making any radical changes. It's the first time I've drawn something like this, though, so I'm just happy to look into it. I've been feeling that I didn't quite know what I was doing, so I think it's needed. ;D

shouldn't those reflections from second monster's eyes' be little higher?
I thought that the fog would block the light in that part, but I don't know if it actually would. I've been trying to find some photos of reflections with mist on top, but I haven't had much luck. Would it be the same as if the eyes themselves were there, or would the light be too dispersed? Edit: I don't think looking at the reflection of the sun in the water is as bad as looking at the sun itself, so I think that answers it.

For the monster on the right i think the eyes should only be reflected close to the beach because thats what i saw one night with the moon's reflection.

I think the water would have to be more still for the reflection to taper that much away from the center.

But this also depends on how sunken in the thing's eyes are. It looks to me like the light wouldn't reach the water because it's hitting the... strands, or whatever, surrounding the eyes. So, I don't think there should be a reflection, but not for the reason Dusty stated.
Good point, but I didn't imagine the eyes to be that sunken in. The idea is that you'd see some of the light reflected in the surrounding tissue.

I wonder changing one of the light hole's angle downwards, towards their prey would make more sense  :). Since the reflected light makes the picture better.
I don't imagine the creatures would see the two men as prey. More like a few ants on a path. You'll crush them without knowing they were even there. Of course, if you go too close to the ant hill, they might start bothering you, and you might even decide to have them removed if they're in the spot you've been going to for picnics or whatever. :D

Yes, it does (well, it'll refract, in this case). Which backs up ndchristie's point that the lights should light up the fog some. That much fog would result in a noticeable halo effect around point lights.
I think what you would be seeing, if the eyes were luminescent enough, would be a cone of illuminated fog/mist, which from the front would look like the halo you describe. I don't know if the fog here is thick enough for that, at least not for the closest creature. Maybe the second one, but the eyes would have to give off a lot of light for that to happen. On the other hand, if these creatures hunt in the depths of the sea, that might not be such a bad idea. However, something subtle might be tricky to pull off with the current palette.

I also tried to explain how the ripples reflect the light. Not quite precise, but you get the idea. On each of these ripple tops, there's a spot where the angle is such that the light is reflected towards you.

Hope that clears something up. :)

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:46:00 am »
Image -> Mode. Then third from the bottom. :)

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Trioculi
« on: September 11, 2008, 09:03:33 pm »
How about this?

i think you need to rethink the position of the reflection in the water of the eyes of the second monster.
How do you mean?

2D & 3D / Re: Official OT-Creativity Thread 2
« on: September 03, 2008, 12:05:10 am »
I think the problem with her face is that the nose seems to be placed at a different angle than the rest of the face. I also think her head and chin look too big. I'd go for something more like this:

Where's the light supposed to be coming from?

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Trioculi
« on: August 31, 2008, 12:31:35 am »

Alright, first I removed the mound so I could more easily place that guy correctly. I hope I did. Then brightened the mound and darkened the rest. Hopefully not too subtle. This time I had a bit of trouble with the waves and making the sand look wet. Faded the closest creature out a bit more and started cleaning up. I don't think I'll mind obscuring the rest as much once I've spent a few more hours AAing that stuff. :crazy:

as far as the glow goes, what is fog other than water in air?  the lights should color the fog a bit where they have a path to reflect it.
True, it's all water, but a cloud of miniscule droplets reflects light differently from a solid body of water.

Pixel Art / Re: my little world, new animations ... [please C&C]
« on: August 25, 2008, 06:30:49 pm »
What I did to learn this was that I went outside and started sketching clusters of leaves. I haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet, but I like that approach to it. Personally, I find it easier to stylize if I know how to draw something realistically.

(It didn't occur to me that you would be interested in how I did it, so I didn't save all the steps.) I just used the shapes you already had, started from the top with a few bright leaves, worked my way down, divided it up a bit with some darker areas in between and some leaves scattered around it.

As far as cylinders go, here's a rough, but hopefully somewhat accurate explanation. The angle of the surface decides how much light gets sent your way. Well, that and how reflective the surface is. Rough surface means that the light is dispersed more, so it's not quite as simple as this, but it'll give you a guide to where to place highlights and such. I hope this makes sense. Just flip the ray around the line that forms a 90 degree angle with the surface. You can apply this to spheres and flat surfaces too, and it can help you figure out reflections.

So for the tree, I'd do something more like this. It's a bit straight and smooth in places, and not quite right (it's a difficult shape, and you should try to master the basics before you start with the more complicated stuff), but I hope it shows what I mean. I'd tone down the divides between the three parts of the trunk and try to focus more on getting a cylindrical base shape, sort of.

Let me know if you'd like me to elaborate on something. I'm better at showing than telling. :)

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