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Messages - Yngar
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Pixel Art / Re: Art direction WIP
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:31:11 am »
That is pretty much what I'm trying to decide on now. The whole idea came from hearing about this board game Catacombs years ago. I had never even seen the game until after I started working on the project, its a lot less interesting than I thought it would be. But that's basically where the disc idea came from, that's why they are represented as discs.

I will definitely put some texture on the disc, whether I make it into something more interesting or not. I think it would be cool if I had full images of the players and enemies in the middle of the disc. They wouldn't rotate but instead be animated to dash with the movement, and attack or take damage when colliding. I'm not sure how well that would read and it would be a lot of work. Either way I would like to have some kind of animation on the attack, even if its just a blade flash on a disc with a portrait on it. I might also make the disc animate to "squish" a little bit when its shot and bounces.

I already have code implemented to have the portrait or sprite draw over the disc and not rotate, that's pretty easy to do. The bouncy thing might be cool as well. I made an example of what the sprite would look like with only directions implemented.
It only works with the warrior, and the code isn't very good so up/down movement takes priority but its an example of how it could look.

Pixel Art / Re: Art direction WIP
« on: July 17, 2013, 07:36:01 pm »
Thats a lot of really good feedback thanks!

That perspective on those walls is pretty crazy looking. I like the exaggerated style though I will definitely try something like that.

You are probably right about the floor. I was going with the checkers because the visual theme I'm going for is kind of a dungeon jazz lounge. The idea is that the dungeon is really just a place where all these monsters hang out. That's why there are drink and card tables sitting around, also I need more neon signs. I think I can definitely tone the floor down though.

I'm pretty bad with colors but you are right about the highlights, I need to work on that.

So for the discs do you think like a bust view would be good? I'm trying to decide if I should go with a full body and have it animated to move with the disc, or just do a portrait style on them.

The discs rotate to give a sense of movement, it looks very stiff when they don't. Also more importantly they rotate because its part of the physics. If you bounce off a wall and get some heavy spin going it will change the trajectory of your next bounce. Without it, the discs don't carry rotational momentum like you would expect they would.
However from an art standpoint I could make it so they don't appear to rotate. I was thinking I could give the disc some texture and have the character portrait on it be a separate image pasted on it that doesn't rotate. That way the portrait wouldn't spin around but the disc would and you could still see how your disc is spinning.

That is a good point about the name of the game, I hadn't thought of that. I meant it as the action of flinging the disc. I will give the name some thought.

Thanks again for the feedback, that is all really helpful  :y:

Pixel Art / Art direction WIP
« on: July 17, 2013, 05:45:29 pm »
I'm working on a game project called Dungeon Fling and I could use some opinions and advice on the art. I am kind of stalled out on the project at the moment trying to figure out what I should do for the art. It has been under slow development for a couple of months and I have been putting off a lot of the art for a while now, and I am trying to finish up some of that but I am hitting a few issues.

The game is a dungeon crawler that uses minigolf or shuffleboard style mechanics. The player and enemies are represented as discs, and the player shoots through the dungeon, bouncing off stuff to get around and try to get to the next level.

This is a screenshot of the game as it is now.

I also have a demo up here

I'm aware that a lot of the art is pretty bad, some things like the pit trap are badly scaled up just because I was trying to save time in development. That is definitely not final. What I am really focusing on right now is the player and enemies. Right now I am shamefully just using  scaled down images of the concept art. Ideally what I would like to do is have an icon that looks good at that size, and potentially have a full body sprite that doesn't rotate with the disc but instead uses animations and multiple directions.

Here are some of the ideas I have tried. Most of them are pretty rough, I was just trying to get an idea of what I could do at that size.

Here is the concept art I am basing them on for reference
This is the shameful disc I am using now, not pixel art at all.

If anyone has any comments or suggestions for making these discs look good it would be greatly appreciated. Trying to figure this out has slowed my project to a halt. I'm having trouble fitting enough detail in that small of a sprite to make it look much like anything.
Thanks for any comments! :crazy:

Pixel Art / Re: First Time posting. Need another pair of eyes...
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:47:02 am »
I don't know if its just me but it looks like the heads on the ones facing northeast look a bit smaller than the rest, especially the female. Also the nosemouths on the side view don't seem to match up with the rest. The chins on the ones facing southeast look a lot more human than the side view ones.

The bodies look really good, well done on the anatomy from the neck down. :y:

Pixel Art / Re: Pixelart for a RPG game
« on: July 17, 2013, 02:22:18 am »
I like it a lot. I think the palette works together pretty well for the most part.
I just have a few crits for you. The could use a bit more attention to perspective, right now it looks almost like its laying down. Maybe try having some branches pointed toward the "camera. It also looks kind of strange that it all seems to bend in a ) kind of shape.
Also a smaller issue, the blankets on the bed look very round. I think that would look good if you had a character in them, but right now it kind of looks like someone built a blanket fort or stuffed a bunch of pillows in there. I think if you just square off the corners more and flatten out the light on top it would look fine.
I could probably point out some other issues but overall it looks pretty good, I like the feel of it.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] [C+C] Forest level tileset
« on: December 14, 2012, 11:38:45 pm »
Thanks! Those are all things I hadn't noticed and will definitely fix.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] [C+C] Forest level tileset
« on: December 14, 2012, 09:35:46 pm »
Thanks for the comments! I'm not sure what anatomy issues you are referring to, could you expand on that? I definitely need more shading on the background stuff, I'm just trying to figure out how to do it and make it work with the whole tile thing. I plan to start working on this next week after I finish with ludum dare.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Pixel car(s) (WIP)
« on: December 14, 2012, 02:08:33 am »
Its really good, I like the dithering. I think some AA would go a long way on the hood and roof, and maybe more shadows in the wheels.

Pixel Art / Re: Second Portrait Attempt
« on: December 14, 2012, 12:12:41 am »
Version 3 is definitely on the right track. The bigger eyes helps a lot. I think one thing that is making it look strange is the symmetry, it makes it look like a mugshot. If you look at most portraits the subject is not looking straight ahead. Even in that photo he is looking straight ahead but his face is far from symmetrical. Just a thought, I look forward to seeing your progress!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C+C] Lava Serpent
« on: December 13, 2012, 11:35:35 pm »
Your image isn't loading for me.

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