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Messages - JamesAFlanagan
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: February One Game a Month Game Art [C+C]
« on: March 08, 2014, 05:16:43 pm »
Thank you everybody for the good advice.

I am intending to use Arne's 16 colour palette for my next game and I am going to keep in mind that I can use multiple different things to suggest the same thing (sparkles). I knew the sparkles were not amazing, but I could not think how to improve them (despite many attempts).

Thank you very much.

Pixel Art / Re: February One Game a Month Game Art [C+C]
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:19:59 pm »
Thank you for your advice.  I updated my palette to be less saturated, and made the colours less similar.

I focused on moving away from flatness, as such my updated sprite sheet is:

and my game screen is

I chose to take your advice about changing the background colour to a more interesting background colour (opposed to adding a background image).

However I couldn't find a colour that seemed to work better then black. As such I have left it.

I am not intending to work on this any further (as I am about to start on march's entry for the one game a month challenge).

But I would still appreciate any feedback, so that I can apply it in the future. (I will also be adding background images in the future).

Thank you


Pixel Art / February One Game a Month Game Art [C+C]
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:05:48 am »
I am a programmer working on a game for the one game a month challenge.

I am a newbie to pixel art and I am hoping to improve.

I am aware that the shapes I am using are relatively simple, but I hope there is some advice you can all offer.

I created this palette for use in the game. I would also appreciate any advice regarding my choice of colours for the palette.

 The sprite sheet for my game:

and the game screen looks like this:

Thank you in advance


Just as a further addition: the sparkles/ stars are placed by the mouse cursor, so they are not fixed.

The themes of the game are 'Candy' and 'Loops'

which is why I choose the bright colours for the inside shapes( the blue, purple and green). The other objects (excluding the sparkles / stars) are not candies, and just part of the game mechanic.

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