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Messages - Tycho Magnetic Anomaly
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Hi, just caught this post about orthogonal projections which I am also sort of struggling to find a consistent technique for. I am working on a JRPG type game, but unlike many in the genre my game is not conforming to a grid or tile based system.
I have discovered by working with this and observing other games that there is a lot of foreshortening on "some" things and brute forcing of angles to make a playable game. I find also walk behind areas, structure height difficult to work with too with this perspective.

Here is a work in progress of a small section of a city, and as you can see I have had to really battle with every building to make them sit down properly, and many of them are way off and just would not make sense in a 3D space.

I have even tried to test a method of box modeling the stuff in 3d, then using that to trace over the pixel art, but I am finding in 3D you have to squash, stretch objects out of original proportion so it looks correct when rendered at orthogonal.

In short I have still not discovered a good method to this and I am winging it all the way. My hope is the sum of all the messiness might be enough to disguise all the issues.

Even still, and from looking at many other games, I don't think there is a sure perfect answer for this and I suppose it also depends on the application of what your doing, such as if its for a game context, or animation..etc

That tower 57 is mind blowing dude

I shall read up on your tutorial Cyangmou, perhaps this might help me find a good consistent technique.

Pixel Art / Re: background to simple?
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:34:30 am »
Hi there, first of all I am new to this forum, and new to pixel art too so please don't take what I say with any seriousness.

I think what you have done is pretty fine considering its the foreground sprite that is the focus. The only thing I might say is that the blue robes he is wearing are getting washed out with the blues of the sky, and sea in the background, and the result is the contrast between him and those parts could be better.

I am not sure if you are working with a restricted pallet, but I might recommend changing the color of the sky to something else, perhaps a very very light pink (yea sometimes odd colors for skies gives nice results).. if you can use gradients even better,  or even try dithering to break up the uniformity of the solid sky color.

something like this perhaps:

Detail wise I think what you have is spot on, since the focus is the character a non-busy background like you have might be ideal.

Good work, and best`o`luck

Hey, thank you for the welcome and feedback on this, oh the video embed too :)

Sure a few of the objects are placed to emphasize certain things, such as the blue mug being AGS logo, the mug I had made previous for something else, the plan was to put it on the corner of the desk at the extreme left of the pic, but the angle was slightly off and it look slightly better on the stool. The ashtray/cigarette is there to give an impressed someone is there at that moment, but perhaps off in the background cooking or whatever.  I agree they are a bit oddly placed, and I defiantly agree that there are a whole lot of mistakes with regard perspective, I mean just look at that open drawer on the desk lol ...  When I get some time from my other project I will perhaps like to come back to this and put in some more additional details, clean up a few areas..etc

Regarding the post processing, I think I was perhaps a bit heavy with that, a bunch of people noted that a reduction in the post processing would be better so I just did a quick tinker. thought I must say I think the atmosphere which was a big component in what I was trying to capture has been a bit lost with the modified version.

And yes I really do like exotic/warped perspective in illustration/art ..etc If i ever do a background again I might like to try a new technique with exaggerated perspective.

Hi folks, This forum really caught my eye the other day and I thought to sign up to try it out. I am relatively new to pixel art, but its usually been orthogonal perspectives, either top-down, side-on or whatever.

I created this bladerunner-esq scene as an entry for AGS forum contest, and it is my very first attempt at making an adventure background specific/traditional perspective pixel piece.
I have done a lot of post processing over the pixel art which might make pixel purists a bit squeamish though :D

Although I really don't consider it a full complete piece, such as more work on the floor, ceiling, more little details such as things in the open drawer, and things on the shelves behind the bed..etc etc.  alas I had to stop tinkering and call it a day.

Here is a timelapse video of most of the work, not including the extra post processing work.

I think my biggest lesson learned was to start with drawing a vanishing point (expanding the canvas) and creating guides, my result from "eyeing it" seems a bit all over the place   :-[ . Anyway I thought to use it as my first post here, and if anyone has any tips or methods, or can see how I can improve technique it would be fantastic.
Regarding getting the basic structure to things .. is it best to line draw out or fill shapes as I go, I seemed to have a lot of trouble and time rubbing out lines, then losing the detail, often having to restart small sections.

(can you embed video on the forum?)

Anyway, I see some absolutely jaw dropping work on this forum, your imaginations astound me. Keep it coming folks :)

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