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Messages - pixelalex
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Pixel Art / Re: Perspective? 3/4 top-view tree trunk
« on: August 25, 2015, 07:14:31 pm »

Absolutely beautiful!  I love the colors!

For some reason, it bugs me that one side of the tree have flat leaves while the other have curved ones:

I really like the way that this modification makes it look though.  I'd definitely make all of the leaves uniformly curved!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP][C&C] First tree for game
« on: August 25, 2015, 07:12:47 pm »
I like it!  The tut seems very cool too I'll be fiddling with that later! 

I do notice that the right side seems to blend in with the grass too much.  Maybe it should be brightened a bit?

Also, the trunk looks a little flat too I'd suggest maybe darkening the right edge as well?

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 07:51:00 pm »
The main weakness of your cat is as others have already said the shape(also I know you said you wanted to draw a cartoon cat, but what I have to say will still be relevant even if applied to a cartoon):

As you can see, it is rather difficult to see, just by looking at your silhouette, what exactly it is. It is obviously a mammalian quatroped of some kind, but it is unclear what species it is. This is because as Cyangmou rightly points out, the proportions are off. The ears in relation to the head, the head in relation to the body, the tail's shape and the oddly shaped hind quarters are key issues that make the shape ambiguous. He had no intent to insult you, and clearly was putting a lot of effort into trying to explain his points to you. He also wouldn't waste time trying to teach you something if he thought you incapable of progressing. Try not to take things personally, while a natural thing for people to do, it can be of no benefit to either you or the people dedicating time to help you. Not saying you should be a robot, no one is, but that you should learn to restrain your emotions long enough to analyze the validity of the arguments you are presented with.

In my silhouette, you can see clearly that what you are observing is indeed a cat. Why do you suppose that is? There is literally no shading applied to the specimen, so how can you possibly tell what it is, much less what species it is? All the shading skill in the world can't make the shape of the first more recognizable.

It should be clear that the shape communicates the most information about the subject, before you can master shading you have to understand shape. After that it is important to grasp 3 dimensional form and how light affects said form and lastly you can worry about shading :

Finally, you should be aware that many members of this forum are not native English speakers, myself included, and it is worth bearing in mind that meaning is often lost in translation as it were.
Don't give up on your cat, pour your passion into learning to make him look great  ;D

Good luck  :y:

Nicely done on the cat!  I really like your having put them in silhouette form.  It really shows how important the shape is.  This may be a simple thing for a lot of people, especially those seasoned in this, but, for some of us, it's obviously been missed.

Thank you very much for your concisely stated advice!  I'm loving all of the information that I'm getting on this forum!

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 03:57:07 pm »
Maybe it's like, if you want to attain the secret knowledge of the devil, you gotta live with getting your feet burned on the way through hell.
I could sell you this newest model of fire-fighter shoes. It's a bargain, a steal even, it just costs your soul.
No biggie though, you can draw yourself a new one then, to put in place of that hole.


Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 03:01:36 pm »

You are correct that I don't understand the entirety of the proportional issues that you all are pointing out.  However, I do see an obvious length issue that is there and, I believe, that would correct the bulk of the issues.  I'm not attempting to make a cat that looks like it is in a photograph I am simply drawing a cartoon cat and trying to make it look alright.  Therefore, legs being a little fatter than those of a cat or thinner or anything aren't an issue in my eyes.  I agree that the length of the body/shading/form needs work but, I decided to drop the cat for now because, obviously, I have more basic things to work on.  That said, I didn't want to spend the time that it would take to lengthen the body (which I stated) but fixed the simple things that were personally bothering me such as the ear size (which you mentioned) and the nose.  However, I do understand the issue there and, if I made another cat, I would definitely work more on length especially if I was going for a photographic look to my cat. 

I didn't come here hoping for praise I just expected a little more friendly discussion.  I'm not going to follow you into name calling but when someone comes on a forum and, in a friendly manor, asks for comments and criticism and the first guy beats down his work by saying that he never would've guessed that it was supposed to be a cat instead of being objective about it, that person goes on the defensive.  I understand that you view it differently than I do and I apologize for jumping on the defensive but, I believe, it is within the human nature.  I haven't seen any of your work but, if I had, and I didn't like it so I said "Wow, all of this guy's work is total shit!" I'm pretty sure that you'd feel a little down as well.  If not, I'm sorry that you are more robot than I. 

I agree that we should follow technical and scientific approaches because it's really the only way to describe certain things.  That said, I have been reading up on this stuff and trying to understand it as much as possible.

coffee being able to see the cat and not the apple does make sense.  My drawing, while not perfectly proportioned, has cat-like features and is colored like a cat may be.  A 32x32 monochrome drawing of an apple comes all down to shape, which, I flubbed on a little.

I don't really know what I expected but I'm done rambling.

@coffee, thank you.  You explained my feelings completely (Especially with "explaining how you think Pixelalex is more less shit and unable to learn") which is a relief that someone else gets it because I was having trouble proving to myself that it was more than just feeling bad because "he insulted my work", ya know?  It's just something about the tone of it.

@jams0988: Admittedly, I was a little put off by your first sentence or 2 in your post but I did read it and don't think that you're a jerk haha.  However, I'm not sure how I missed your suggestion to check out that guy's channel.  That sounds like it may be exactly what I'm looking for and I'll definitely look over that tonight when I can!  Thanks! 

I definitely appreciate all of the suggestions here and hope to improve!

Thanks guys!

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 12:36:29 pm »
If your cat looks like an alien, there are no magical shading tricks we can give you to make it look like a cat
So when you see his sprite you rather think this?:

than this?:

On to more important things

Hey Pixelalex and welcome!

==Pixelation can be tricky as a forum at first. A lot of people here might come off as harsh and overly critical, that's a fact and I've experienced it myself many times. Try to overlook the tone people have towards you when you are new. If pixelation is anything it's a lot about the "hard school", many here are very technical and that's good, since it's why we are here writing. Just coop with it for a while, try to pick out what you think is suitable for your style/goal and ignore things that stray too far away from it. I don't want to bring up the discussion about what pixel art is, but it is an artform afterall and art is free, so even if there are basics that are good to know, don't be discuraged by the ones trying to pull you towards a very pixel purist way.(If you don't want to go that way of course)==


At the same time, people do what they think is best, so be gentle towards them who put time into trying to helping you.(Not saying that you aren't, just a tip)

Now on to your cat & apple.

There are plenty of art out there that doesn't look what it is supposed to be. It's always better to go to yourself when you are doing something and ask yourself two questions, "What do I want this to look like?", "What do I want other people to perceive it as?".

I ask myself this a lot when I do art for games. Things doesn't have to make complete sense, but you do have to mix these two up a little to get a pleasing result to everyone, including yourself.
If on the otherhand you do want both of these questions to have the answer: "It's a cat" you do need to put a real cat in front of you, if you havn't practised drawing cats for a long time.

Regarding your apple, if you ask me the question "What fruit is this?". My first thought would probably be a paprika or something like it. If you ask yourself, you would say an apple 'cos that's what you want it to be.

You have a good reference picture of an apple but you've thought too much in "pixels". A good start if you are not used to pixel art is to block out the colours. Like you would do with a set of crayons. If you want, shrink the picture to the size you want your sprite to be and study how the pixels behave in clusters on such a small scale to get the result you want.

I did this version of your apple in 2 minutes, looking at your reference picture.

Here is sort of what I did:

1. Picking colours suitable for an apple, studying quickly what the largest spots of colours are, making something similar.
2. Creating a rough shape to start working with, think sculpture.
3. Refine shape and define lightsource.
4. Add the other larger parts of colour
5. Add extra colours for AA etc.
6. Add the rest of the details, more colours etc.

(*Polish being looking over the sprite on a pixular level, adding, changing things around to get closer to the goal result)

Hope this helps you on your way!

Good luck

I definitely see what you're talking about and now it looks like a paprika to me as well! haha

Thank you so much for your help! These are definitely all very helpful tips!  I had actually used a different reference on mine because I couldn't find the same one when I was putting it up on my screen as reference.  (It's here actually: I did leave off the leaf intentionally and the shape/lighting isn't quite as off as it looks when you compare it to the original reference pic. 

I'm trying to limit my colors to the 4 colors available to the original gameboy in an attempt to improve my technique and that's making it a little more difficult to me but, shapewise, I think that I'm off a bit as well.

I also really liked your version of the apple and will study that plus I loved your suggestion to shrink my reference down to the size that I want and study the way that the pixels interact.  Thanks for your time!

Thanks again for your help!  Admittedly, I was getting a little discouraged so it's nice to have some positivity!

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 09, 2014, 01:35:01 am »
I notice that too fizzick. It almost looks jagged.

WIP: am I even on the right track with this? it's not modelled after the above apple but a different one.

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:46:27 pm »
Don't try and draw what you think a cat looks like.
Look at an actual reference and draw what a cat looks like.

This is an awesome way of saying this.  I've never understood why people needed references before as I can usually picture just about anything as it's said.  I now understand.  I can picture it but that picture doesn't necessarily offer the CORRECT image.

The thing that stands out the most apart from the wobbly shape, are the eyes which seems to be viewed from the front which gives the appearance of eyes being attached like on a fish or bird.

I was having trouble with the eyes because of the pixel limitations.  One issue that I was having was that I knew I needed to add a reflection but I couldn't figure out how to place it with the eye being only 10ish pixels.  I'm understanding now, due to some reading I've been doing, that perhaps it would've been better done with a grey spot instead of a white spot.  However, I understand that that isn't the issue you're talking about and that the shape is way off, I'm just stating another issue that I could fix with it.

As for the shading, work with more roundness, right now it looks like a cat shaped in cookiedough. I'm not saying this as an insult, I just want to give you an idea of how it's perceived.
Because your brain will say "this is what a cat looks like" but depending on which side of the brain you ask, you'll get different results. The left side of the brain always wants to think of things as flat, even if they're viewed from an angle. The left side also works more with symbols and predefined images rather than what things actually look like.

I totally get that!  I'm having that issue right now actually.  I'm trying to draw an apple from reference there and I'm having trouble guessing where to even start.  I know that you're supposed to break it down to basic shapes but, to me, it's a few basic shapes and if I put them in the way that I'm seeing it, it turns out completely 2 dimensional.  (This is how I'm seeing it right now: )

HOWEVER, after looking at it for a while, I may have figured out a better direction to go in.  Maybe someone can tell me if I'm headed the right way? (Here:)

Lastly, I know it's just a simple, tiny sphere (And I see a slight flatness on the sides) but I was hoping I could get some feedback on this:  

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:50:35 pm »
I found a tutorial when searching for more information on banding in pixel art and that helped a good bit.  It's here: but, while I didn't note anything in the rules against posting links to other forums, I'll gladly take this link down if there's an issue with my doing so.

Joe, your tips were very helpful as well.  After this thread, I'm definitely starting again from square one.  Learning some more theory as well.  I've got a 4 color monochrome color palette and I'm going to start by making simple stuff again. 

Thanks all!

Pixel Art / Re: Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:26:28 pm »
That was a great article, thanks Tijjer!  I am still having a little issue understanding though.  I think I just need a few details for the "AHA" moment.  Is the banding the portions basically where just 2 sets of single pixels line up (or several sets of single pixels line up) without obscuring the shape that the bands create?




In an image:

Is the above an alright example?  This is 2 copies of the 2 circles just to allow me to circle where I think the problem is.  The red circled bit is the bit that I understand to be banding while the other one I understand to be slightly better.  Am I making any sense?  Sorry, I'm having trouble figuring out how to voice this. 

And, if my understanding is correct, then I see a LOT of banding in my cat.  I don't have much of an art background so I'm just kind of doodling until something looks alright and don't really understand a lot of the concepts.  I'm enjoying learning them though using pixel art.  My hand is not very steady when it comes to freehand so pixel art is great because it allows me to adjust parts where I messed up!

Left vs right as well?

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