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Topics - pixelalex
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Pixel Art / Very new. Looking for some C+C
« on: May 07, 2014, 09:14:19 pm »
Hey all!

I'm fairly new to the pixel art world.  I've made some simple things like 20x20 apples, trees, etc but this is my first real venture into detailed, 3d-shaded, pixel art.  I was just wondering if I'm completely off track here or if it looks alright.  Mostly ignore the weirdness in shapes and stuff.  I'm mostly looking for tips on shading and highlights.

I also apologize if the size is way off.. Most of the work is done on my phone and the app that I use exports at 480x480 for some odd reason... 

I can't see the image either (I'm sorry this wreaks so much of noob) but I've added the link in case you can't see the image...


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