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Messages - Camdog
Pages: [1] 2 3

General Discussion / Re: Monster Hatcher: Redux
« on: October 14, 2007, 03:11:00 am »
Heh, I wasn't saying anything about 'breaking rules', just pointing out that it kind of ruined the idea of boundary boxes O:
In any case, that's a good point, it was my original intent with the boundary boxes.

Fixed up my monster.
And here's the Oni Egg.
I'm calling you out, Larwick!  :mean:

General Discussion / Re: Monster Hatcher: Redux
« on: October 13, 2007, 02:06:26 pm »
The border doesn't need to be square, in fact, it could be shaped like a tetris piece, or any fairly blocky polygonal shape(tetrahedon, hexagon). It's a fun way of manipulating the outcome of your creature.

Haha, you kind of ruined your own point there, not staying inside the border and all O: I kind of felt that was the point :O

A wonderful creature, though :3

You know, I wasn't even thinking when I made that monster. Still, one could argue that it isn't necessarily going against the rules, as it's only drawn in the box, and not outside.
I do prefer to see the whole monster though, no more like that for me. I like your monster too, you had a big ol' crutch there with only three colors! He has a lot of personality.

General Discussion / Re: Monster Hatcher: Redux
« on: October 13, 2007, 07:16:52 am »

Larwick's egg hatched into Cactholio.

Pixel Art / Re: Lectro Mockup Madness (Now with Giant robots; Oct 12)
« on: October 12, 2007, 08:02:31 pm »
Something about how the motion trails form small points just seems inherently wrong to me. When I see motion trails like that, I think, ok, a sword shape would make that; very little movement from the base, a lot coming from the end, therefore forming a sort of pointed looking motion train. But the claw is so rounded, it's kind of tricky. I'm probably not making that much sense.

In any case, the motion trains from the closing ought to be diagonal somewhat, instead of horizontal. Unless the claw thrusts forward as it closes, which would be pretty damn cool.

Pixel Art / Re: Lectro Mockup Madness (New characters; Oct 11)
« on: October 12, 2007, 12:23:04 am »
Oh boy, boss attacks! He could spawn tiny helicopter robots out of his head hole, or shoot homing fireballs. I'm sure you wanted to make him bounce around, based on his design. Maybe you could make his head extend combined with a simple biting animation.

And there's always gun and laser turrets that happen to be lying around...not like giant robots don't need their own security system.

Maybe Lectro can hop into his head to initiate a hacking mini game so you can shut him down.

Pixel Art / Re: Lectro Mockup Madness (New characters; Oct 11)
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:47:12 pm »
Big robot guy looks a little flat, I recommend adding some shadows and highlights in selective places

Pixel Art / Re: some random animations
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:33:44 pm »
I imagine this fellow running and jumping along the top of a train. The animations are smooth, but they have some force too! Totally diggin' on that.

Sadly, it took me a long time to realize he had a backpack, maybe make that stand out more somehow. Although that could just be me.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Arcade Academy
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:26:52 pm »
Awsome work, Robot. The animations are really looking excellent. What are you planning to make for enemies? Sentient slimes, space bugs, haywire robots, perhaps some foot soldiers from a paramilitary organization bent on universal conquest?

Hold up.

Am I the only one seeing this message box as a strange golden color instead of the regular grayish color? What on earth is going on?

Pixel Art / Re: Lectro Mockup Madness (New mockup; Oct 6)
« on: October 11, 2007, 01:10:56 am »
The new background looks good, you can really see what you want to focus on now. The purple tint is good, it makes the colors almost fully complimentary.

Despite how similar others say the tiles are to cavestory, I think they have their own thing, but the blocks stuck in front of the more natural looking foreground...that seems pretty signature Cave Story/whatever other game to me. Try sticking them behind the rock tiles! I bet that'd look much more natural.
:C Level editing in MS paint, I sympathize with ya, hooh.
Another thing, I recommend toning down the highlights on the pillars, just to make them more background-like.

Pixel Art / Re: The Adventures of Beo (mockup)
« on: October 05, 2007, 01:46:49 am »
this game would be best played at a high resolution.

Do you mean low resolution? At a high resolution those characters are practically invisible!


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