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Messages - SkilledCookie
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: First work - A Viking draws a sword
« on: July 18, 2016, 06:01:02 pm »
Appreciate your informative comment.
But I have to say that the purpose of the animation isn't necessarily a wild Viking that savagely draws a sword.
It is about the motion of the sword, it comes from the back and flips until it points to the screen. And I know it pretty much sucked, I will apply your tips in the next one.

Have a lovely day/night.

Pixel Art / First work - A Viking draws a sword
« on: July 18, 2016, 03:49:36 pm »
This is my first work.
Had always been into art and design but I didn't make any animation or something like Pixel Art.
I immediately fell in love with this form of art, but throughout the whole process I questioned whether trying to animate as a first work is too ambitious.
I am kind of satisfied with what I've made, though there are subtle animations which I tried to add but they look absolutely horrible in hindsight.
So, I will save up words, because you'll encounter lots of them coming from me in the upcoming time.

My Questions:
-How does it look?
-Any suggested free Pixel Art programs which allow exporting animation?


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