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Messages - ChronoAS
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / [WIP] Swordsman - feedback
« on: January 08, 2015, 02:22:30 am »
Hello, everybody. I started spriting today and ended up not quite satisfied with my work.

That's what I ended up with.

It wears a coiled scarf over some neck armor. Wrapping on his shoulders and his shirt are a cloth. Arms are being protected by gauntlets. He has two belts: one for clothing and one to attach sword on the back.

I like perspective that I've chosen for this sprite, but I'm not quite sure if I angled his right shoulder (one that's closer to the viewer) correctly.
Also, my color work is a complete mess. I don't get how to make a nice palette, so I ended up with moving HSV sliders for similar points when making shading for a color. By the way, what colors should I pick for my background to see sprite clearly?

If you have any suggestions or advices about what can be improved, I'll be really grateful!
Have a nice day.

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