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Messages - Portokal
Pages: 1 [2]

Pixel Art / Re: Two sprites and a skull
« on: June 10, 2017, 11:08:53 pm »
 :o Your avatar is something else— I feel like I'm looking at a Mary Cassatt painting!

Not sure if it stands up in comparison with Tetris McTetrisface up there, but here's my latest rework:

I tried reshading the cheekbone and separating the jawbone, as well as hinting at the hidden cheekbone and emphasizing the various cavities as you suggested. Somewhere along the way it seems to have become quite shiny, but I'm not sure what I can do to fix that with the colors I have now.

Pixel Art / Re: Two sprites and a skull
« on: June 10, 2017, 01:19:09 am »
Well, I tried to rework it while thinking about tetris pieces, but I'm not sure it's really an improvement  :P :

But, in all seriousness, thanks for the edit (and no worries about changing the shape; I'm not exactly an expert on skull anatomy). I think I understand a little better, at least. Here's my latest attempt:

The most obvious difference I see between yours and mine is that mine still has some single-pixel irregularities breaking up the lines (e.g. along the shadows forming the brow, and on the upper lip). When I remove those, it looks too smooth and, for lack of a better word, plasticky compared to the effect I'm going for. Is there a better way to suggest irregularities while still making the shape clear? Or am I just overthinking this whole thing?

(just for fun, I recolored the tetris-ified one:

I'm not really sure why. I spent way too long on this stupid joke, anyway...)

Pixel Art / Re: Two sprites and a skull
« on: June 08, 2017, 09:28:04 pm »
Thanks for the advice! I've gone over it and tried to reduce the number of single-pixel groups as much as I could without compromising the shape; is something like this better?

Pixel Art / Two sprites and a skull
« on: June 08, 2017, 03:53:46 am »
Hi all! I've been noodling around with a game for a little while, and decided to make some sprites for it. I've come up with a vampire and a skeleton (legs, hands, and scimitar still incomplete) so far:

I'm trying to go for a more 'painterly' look with the color palettes and shading. Unfortunately, I'm a programmer with no real drawing experience, so I don't really know what I'm doing. This skull I drew as practice probably gives a better idea of the sort of look I'm going for:

Any advice and criticism, especially of the shading but also of any other issues, would be greatly appreciated— thanks!

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