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Messages - Rosse
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Pixel Art / Re: WIP guy with hammer
« on: October 12, 2008, 07:54:58 am »
In an animation, you have no single frames, just the animation. Your animation is built up with frames, but you never see a single one, just the whole. Thus it doesn't makes sense to have 2 frames "finished" and then try to make a lively animation with adding more "finished frames".

Try to capture the motion with rough frames first and clean up the single frames after you finished the animation. With that many frames you have here a motion blur isn't needed at all. In my opinion motion blur is totally overvalued [edit: It makes sense with few frames]. I tried to make a hammerblow just like you but with more "woosh-ness".

Don't forget that you have a 3D space where you can animate, you don't have to restrict yourself to the 2D plane your character's walking on.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: October 11, 2008, 06:27:48 am »
I just found this on slashdot What Google Engineers do for Fun: Computerized Lego Art Project

I think the most interesting part about this is
I [...] wrote some Java code to use a simulated annealing technique to figure out a layout for Lego bricks that when stacked on each other look like the image (but also try to minimize cost of the parts, and also try to ensure the result has some structure rigidity - these images are held together only by gravity and the Lego bricks themselves - no glue.

I don't like the result very much, tho. Looks too much like generic photoshop color reduce (well, what else? He's a engineer and not an artist!). I like Monsoon2D's approach better, but I know that low-color sprites works better than reduced full-color photographies. Nevertheless I think there could be impressive results if a pixelartist would pixel a picture with the available lego brick colors as a palette and uses the program to calculate how to make the ideal picture in terms of price and rigidity.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] A Scary Situation
« on: October 07, 2008, 01:23:20 pm »
Did you ever played Monkey Island 1? If not, please don't mind the text ;)

I really have no idea what I'm doing here. I just doodled around randomly. I'm not sure if it goes in the direction you want but I hope you find some inspiration to continue this image.

Hello rabidbaboy, I gave it a try. Something like this? (I mirrored the image because faces should look against the text imho)

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: October 03, 2008, 12:30:39 pm »
hmm, I have mixed feelings about the Cave Story.. uhm story

First I think it's great to have indie games native on big consoles and supported by big publishers (Nintendo as dreamland). I hope Pixel's (Daisuke Amaya) interests are preserved. I think as a killer feature a multiplayer (like SSBM?) and coop-mode (with adjusted levels like more (dangerous) enemies) would be incredible genius to that game. But that's maybe just a daydream. It's very likely that they release exactly the same game with something (imho) cheap like achievments like in Team Fortress 2 and Megaman or new skins (e.g. playing as curly or sue) without real new gameplay features.
What's left is that people who doesn't know of indie games have the chance to play a small gem of that inspiring and rich underground scene which they probably would never have heard of.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] A Scary Situation
« on: October 01, 2008, 10:36:22 am »
Good start lollige. Currently I'm not sure why he's scared. Is it because of the, uhm, monster in the background? Or the unstable looking bridge? Or the black cube?

I think first I would change the player to a rear view, heading against the monster. This would be good because you don't have to show his emotion in the small character sprite and you can focus on the portrait in the textbox. Further the monster in the background doesn't look scary at all currently. A few suggestion to make it look more scary: Give it twisted horns, less wide head (less round), more bony, bigger nose (boar nose?), sharp teeth, ears. The mimic is unclear right now too. Maybe you find a reference from a movie or something alike.

A small other issue. The perspective of the boards of the hanging bridge are wrong. Currently it looks like the bridge makes a curve which is impossible with that kind of bridge. Look out that all boards are aligned to one single vanishing point (maybe somwhere outside the right border).

The last thing. The perspective / viewpoint doesn't really support a scary mood. Helm made a good post about this in Arachne's Trioculi Thread. Maybe you want to lower the horizon after reading it. Give it a try.

Pixel Art / Re: Panda sprite
« on: September 30, 2008, 08:11:03 pm »
I like your concept.

Some thing first. I know it's a panda, but it doesn't scream panda. To communicate panda more you should be more accurate with the colors first. Did you use a reference? What you have midgrey should be much darker, near black. One additional thing is his chest is black too. These things will make your concept much more panda-ish.
In my remake I slightly turned it away from the viewer which result in a bent red seam, which pushes his belly volumes more. Further I used a green-ish light grey for the the white and a blue-ish dark grey for the nearly black color to sculp the volumes a bit.

2D & 3D / Re: Horror game/mockup
« on: September 30, 2008, 06:13:03 pm »
In your last work the horizon is too low (bit higher than the doorhandle). I made a sloppy photoshop-stretch-edit to put the horizon higher to achieve a more natural look of the room.

Pixel Art / Re: Plotting Revenge
« on: September 28, 2008, 09:44:11 am »
Good changes. The knob is okay value-like I think. The shoes are great, I like the idea with the red shoelaces. I'm not sure about the red spot on his right (image left side) shoe. Is it blood or text? If it's text I've got the feeling that the characters doesn't follow the surface properly. For blood the rest of his outfit's too clean or if it would be coagulated it should be darker. The two dark single pixels on both shoes looks too random. At first look I thought they were stray pixels. Maybe it would work if they were brighter and bigger to suggest studs or something similar.

Pixel Art / Re: Plotting Revenge
« on: September 28, 2008, 07:29:40 am »
Hello Helm, great piece of art. Some minor things which comes to my mind.

* The knob of the sword is too bright and contrasty imho, which means it has got too much attention. I lowered the contast and value in Photoshop and I thought it's a good change. I'm pretty sure it's correctly rendered considered by the lightsource, but it's too eye-catching currently.

* The shoes looks to simplified for my taste. It's kind of a detail-level clash. Maybe adding some small details like seams or heavier folds? But not high contrast, just subtle.

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