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Messages - Enichan
Pages: 1 [2]

Pixel Art / Re: Snazzy little RPG pixel dude
« on: September 22, 2006, 12:46:05 am »
Well I cleaned up the hair, reflected in original post (also below). I looked at the leg and posed around myself for a bit, and as near as I can tell that's the typical "look how badassed I am in my spiffy suit" pose guys like to do.

I also tried to up the saturation on the skin, but I'm not very partial to it. Then again I like lower saturation as a rule. To me even with the relatively slight change he looks jaundiced.

Cleaned up version left, cleaned up with higher saturation right.

Pixel Art / Re: Snazzy little RPG pixel dude
« on: September 21, 2006, 11:25:55 pm »
Yay! I'm remembered. :D I have to admit I took a long hiatus from pixel art there for a while, trying to improve my general art (which I kinda sorta did up to a point, I think this piece shows a firmer understanding than my older ones) and even dabbling in the blasphemy that is 3d work. Though modelling didn't really do it for me, and animating was hell. I think I'll stick to art, pixel art, and texturing. :lol:

And I'm glad to be back. Pixelation somehow always feels like home to me. :)

Also on the saturation, wouldn't more of it on the skin tones make him look kind of jaundiced and unhealthy?

EDIT: On the hair, good point. I'll see about cleaning that up a little if I find the time.

General Discussion / Re: Post your oldest piece of pixel art.
« on: September 21, 2006, 11:18:48 pm »
Well not my first piece of pixel art, those are too horrible to show, but I do consider this to be my first true piece of pixel art, as it was the first picture that I had methodically done after reading tsugumo's tutorials, and the first pic posted on Pixelation, and lead me down a whacky road of way too cutesy sprites.

EDIT: Looking at this again I think I wanna use that demon leg as a base for an enemy on the thing I'm working on yeeaars later. Talk about coming full circle.

Pixel Art / Snazzy little RPG pixel dude
« on: September 21, 2006, 11:09:48 pm »


I am back, again, and hopefully for more than *checks* two posts this time. I'm sure nobody remembers me, but that's okay.

Anyhow, plx C&C. I may add AAing at a later date. Actual AA (but still hand placed) depending on wether the project this is for can actually do such alphablending, and wether I think it's too much of a chore or not!

Though I must warn in advance, crits about the solid color outline and/or lack of selout won't be met with a lot of enthusiasm. This is the first of a series of stuff I'm going to be making for an actual game and I'd like to shave off the extra hours per frame. Plus I think this toonish style is kinda spiffy in it's own way. Will not be changing these, I am stubborn. Yes.

I'm still undecided wether to keep his suit the color it is, or wether his hair. I think the colors are a bit too samey as it stands. Maybe I'll make him a fiesty redhead.

Took about an hour and 15 minutes.

MO: Sketched up the basic outline in photoshop on tablet (about 5 minutes), traced over with dark clean lines (about 5-10 minutes), imported into Paint Shop Pro (5, ancient, but it gets the job done), resized using bilinear filtering. Traced outline with black (also 5 minute-ish), then filling in color from the head downwards. (bulk of the time spent was on the damn collar)


Pixel Art / Re: Less is More
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:41:20 pm »
I'd use the lighter brown you used on the highlight on the viewer left leg to at least define the torso a bit and probably outline the chest, because right now it's a little -too- undefined, if you ask me. Makes it look unfinished.

Other than that, very good use of very few colors. The features are really well defined, save for that chest thing. Doing sprites like this is bound to be a timesaver too.

Pixel Art / I'm back!
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:24:59 pm »
And I'm sure nobody reminds me at all! But that's okay, I come bearing gifts.

Background for the first minigame I'm working on for a sort of Princess Makerish-inspired-like webgame. Yes-huh.

Between the pillars is where the gameplay will be going on, so I left it uncluttered on purpose, I don't want to distract the player too much.

EDIT: Hmm silly site won't display my userpic. Is there some sort of size restriction that it fails to make people aware of, which makes it ignore your pic if it exceeds said restrictions?

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