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Messages - ScaryPotato
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Pixel Art / Re: Charaka(WIP)
« on: March 21, 2012, 02:00:52 pm »
If your character is stone, then I think that you should think in terms of more angular shapes, and maybe stay away from brown colours to make it clear that we're dealing with stone :P

Here is an example I found (from Maple Story I think?)

When you glance at it, you can't mistake it for anything but stones, because of the blocky shapes, and the scrapes and chips go a long way to help emphasize the fact. Hope it helps!

Pixel Art / Re: Kain's Animated Battle Sprites
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:45:46 pm »
I'd suggest speeding up the shotgun animation by getting rid of the second frame altogether. Right now, it looks like the character is tilting the gun up, rather than having it forced up by an explosion ie gunshot. It's lacking the impact that a real shot would have imo. It might look better with an inbetween after the high position of the gun and the one currently after it, but that might soften it up a little, if you're going for an abrupt action.

It's much the same with the sword attack action. You've got four frames, but they're all fairly evenly spaced, and it lessens the impact overall. I'd get rid of the second frame, put larger motion arcs on the third, and throw an inbetween in just before the very last frame. Then the slice will be a little more convincing. :)

Pixel Art / Re: Adventure Apes Screenshots (WIP Platformer)
« on: March 19, 2012, 12:06:18 am »
It was pointed out a while back by pistachio that the lighting on the player sprites was inconsistent and could be improved. Seemed kind of daunting at the time to go and redo all the images, but in the end, my goal is to make a game with as much visual appeal they've been revamped. I played around with the saturation and colours a little as well and think the end result is a lot nicer. It's fairly subtle when playing the game, but the character has a lot more depth now and seems to fit in with the rest of the game better.

Here's a little comparison of several of the sprites ( I hope it hits the mark!):

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] I need help with my mage
« on: March 06, 2012, 04:24:59 am »
I sort of figured your mage was a young cartoony kid, so the style doesn't bother me too much, but jams0988 has a point.

Messed around with the shapes a little to see how a big floppy hood would's okay, definitely less Kenny-ish!

With the tiles, depending on how much variety you're going after, you may want to do some transition types, perhaps an uneven line between grass and sand or something. Also, if each tile represents one unit of movement then the lines separating each is fine, otherwise, I'd try to make them blend together seamlessly. A little variety in the water wouldn't hurt either, right now all three look the same to me. I'd like to see how this progresses!

Pixel Art / Re: Adventure Apes Screenshots (WIP Platformer)
« on: March 05, 2012, 04:35:48 pm »
It's nothing more than to satisfy my own whims really. I wanted to make three variants each type of block, plain, lava and bejewelled in an attempt to make the tiling seem a little less obvious. Granted, there is only so much variation you can squeeze out of a 16x16 tile!

I had thoughts of trying to do little alpha/glowy fades on the lava and such, even making the jewels twinkle, but those little touches will probably wait until I get the rest of this thing done. It's become a much longer running project than I had originally planned!

Pixel Art / Re: Hyperwars Remastered
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:33:53 pm »
I think the new version of aircraft look really great, my favourite being the one with the big strobing grille. Looks like it'd have some heavy firepower!

I'm assuming the cutscene with the angry alien and her cat is a WIP? Right now it looks good, but without any black in it, it lacks the depth of your ships. To get nitpicky, her arm on the left of the image looks a little rubbery. If the forearm part bent outward slightly instead of inward like it is now, it would look more convincing. Hope that helps!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] I need help with my mage
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:20:55 pm »
Weird, the links to your images aren't showing up for me anymore. If you're thinking of having a glowy environment, the thing to think about then would be the colour given off by whatever it is that's glowing. If the rest of the environment is fairly dark, your highlights should reflect the glowy stuff. Would be kind of cool to have little fireflies or something lighting areas up!

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] I need help with my mage
« on: March 03, 2012, 07:13:48 pm »
Hi dman, welcome to the site!

I think the simplistic style you have could be really charming, but right now it feels pretty flat with the shading and colours. It would look good as-is if the game took place in a misty or foggy environment, but otherwise could use a little more contrast to help define things a bit.

I did a quick little example here:

Basically all I did was change the highlights to something a little more saturated and towards the yellow end of things, and played with some variety in the skin. Hope it helps!

Pixel Art / Re: RTS Map Icons
« on: March 03, 2012, 06:25:10 pm »
I think the flag/standard works well, but the other two could use some clarification. For the first icon, I wouldn't worry about making it look too much like wood, but if you want to stick with that theme, it would be worth trying to make the face portion like a section through a log, where you'd see faint rings (they should be subtle, or it would look like a target), or perhaps leave it unpainted and have wood grain throughout?

With the building, it kind of looks like a mushroom on a yellow background, and I think that's because it's a sort of isometric view. If you did a straight orthographic view of the front, you'd be able to distinguish the separate roofs of the pagoda, and the yellow wall would more clearly look like a wall (it's kind of scroll-like right now) :)

Just my thoughts, hope they help!

Pixel Art / Re: Adventure Apes Screenshots (WIP Platformer)
« on: March 03, 2012, 05:58:48 pm »

Here is a little update of the different levels...

PypeBros - My wife agrees with you completely about the old blocks with the patterns! When I showed her the first update, her reaction was underwhelming to say the least, so I added a few patterns in the mix to give a little variety.

9_6 - The last image has a test at the sort of block-placement that you described, and it makes a big difference. With 16 different situations and 9 types of blocks, it made for a lot of image files, holy! I'm not sure if it's something that would be worth doing on the other levels, given the fact that they are carved blocks and the effect would be very subtle compared to the lumpy rocks and lava, but you never know:)

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