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Messages - TheMonsterAtlas
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Pixel Art / Re: My First Walking Animation, please help! [C+C]
« on: July 22, 2012, 03:43:26 pm »
Hmm, I suppose so, I thought it worked for a relatively fast paced walk by having only 4 frames. I feel like if I add more frames it will feel like your character is moving slower than what the base speed is. (Of course I can always change the rate in which the character moves per tick but the game is suppose to be fast paced.) Walking that fast is generally just to get a head start in running, which is going to be a split second before you actually do start running. (probably 2 cycles of the walking state before you start into a run.)


Brb Anhero

Pixel Art / Re: My First Walking Animation, please help! [C+C]
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:32:00 pm »
From that tutorial it says I would need 8 walking states at the very least since the base is 64x64 :0 is that realistic or can I get away with 4?

Pixel Art / My First Walking Animation, please help! [C+C]
« on: July 22, 2012, 03:11:28 am »
So this is totally my first walking (and animation) in general! :o Normally I bother Atnas with these things because whenever I post a topic no one responds to it :'[ But he's afk so I'm posting it here!

So this is the base I've created and plan on using for a top down RPG.

Now the problem is that I've never done animation I'm going to need a lot of help as well as a lot of dumbed down terminology. As you can see I only did the thighs up because I don't understand exactly how to animate the legs at this point (I was walking in my bathroom to try to figure it out and figured out the frames.) So what I did instead of doing the legs I worked on the torso turn and wanted to know what you guys thought and could help me on. I know there should be a slight head turn but I don't know how to make it slight :/

Pixel Art / Re: Which do you prefer? [C&C]
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:51:48 pm »
If it's any help I'd say I don't like either .___.

I don't feel either convey a good perspective and the proportions are both off. Though like everyone said the one on the far right has better coloring techniques than the one on the left. Then I think Zettman is being a spoiled baby too.

Portfolios / Re: 2D/Pixel artist with industry experience
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:42:27 pm »
Holy crap....I'm sorry for the bump but this Portfolio is extremely appealing to my eyes!

Please teach me sensei!

Ah! You're the one who did the JonTron stuff! I was wondering why the art style looked so familiar! :D I'm a fan of his channel, just did a mini-marathon of his stuff today.

Pixel Art / Re: Help with water animation D:
« on: May 30, 2012, 04:38:13 am »
It really depends on what kind of water you're doing. If it's a lake it's going to be more calm because the water isn't flowing anywhere. If it's a river the water will flow.

This tutorial gives you a good understand of how to make a relatively "complex" looking river:

The tutorial will show you how to make the river look a little clear and have motion in it as well.

Oceans are hard for me to make, but since ponds/lakes are relatively still you can just do blue and have movement around the edges like a little bit of shimmering or tiny little baby waves :3

Pixel Art / Re: Lost Soul (WIP Steam Game) [C+C PLEASE]
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:51:05 am »
X3 I am in charge of the title's development.

As well as the coding
musical compositions
sound effects
world design
art direction

Pixel Art / Re: shadowrun SNES homage/remake mockup
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:20:10 pm »
I knew it was a morgue and the angel from where the bottom meets the drawer seems a bit off. This could be due to the lighter blue shading coming really close to the outline though.

Pixel Art / Re: Lost Soul (WIP Steam Game) [C+C PLEASE]
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:46:30 am »
Very Pre-pre-Alpha MockUp

I'm going to be darkening the outline of the skeletons. Sometimes they blend in with the tilesets too well ;~;

Also I know the Grass and Tiles don't tile well, they are currently smaller versions of what I plan to use and should shatter the "repetitive tile syndrome."

This is just testing the tile parameters of BYOND's system, not to be taken as a serious mockup.

Pixel Art / Re: Pixel Art (Beginner)
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:07:20 pm »
Thank you for taking your time to post your CnC, I really appreciate it. Here is another grass tile that I did today, not sure if it fits what you suggested, but any kind of CnC is helpful.

Day 3:

A =

B =

C =

Thank You!

In this picture I label out some areas that are repeated through out the tileset. B is one of the best looking ones, but the vertical line throws off the entire process.

This is an Edit of B, I did my best to conceal that the tiles were repeating (and you can still see they repeat anyways :'[) and that's by trying to make each tile connected to each other by making some blades of grass go outside of the 32x32 mark and into the next one. The grass still needs a bit more character and depth, but you're doing great for starters :]

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