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Messages - Carnivac
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General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:10:15 pm »
I think I know how you feel. Two of my grandparents passed away last fall (one was expected -- he had had a few strokes, the other was a major shock), and even though I didn't really know them very well, it was tough.

Yeah., that's it. Sorry to hear about your grandparents. 

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:57:04 pm »
Nah, it's ok Pawige.  Just strange to me cos I'm not that close to my family.  Always been a bit of an outsider but I do care about what happens to them and even though I knew this was coming some day it still feels bad now that it has happened.

Good luck with your game.   :)  I just noticed you moved the info of it to the OT Creativity thread which I had forgotten about.  Perhaps that's where I should have posted stuff about my game rather than clogging up this thread. 

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 05, 2013, 07:18:17 am »

Member of the family passed away last night.   In some ways it's good for him because he's not suffering anymore.  We all thought his time was up about six years ago (I remember a very emotional christmas from that time) but he seemed to hold on a lot longer than anyone expected but in the end he was mostly bed-ridden and unable to have much of a life. 

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:38:36 pm »
lol, I was not sarcastic at all, love your stuff. I'm a scanlines geek too (dont play zsnes without them) I just didnt have anything to add to the discussion :p

Ah thanks then.  Sorry, I have a distrust of the internet and internet folks real meanings and intentions, plus a low confidence in my own graphics and my taste in retro (the amount of people who keep telling me to 'stop living in the past'...).  All that combined makes it hard for me to recognise a genuine compliment.  Thanks again.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 04, 2013, 03:56:51 pm »
sweet scanlined Carnivac art now =)
I never know if being sarcastic but thanks in case you ain't.  I just thinking the CPC type stuff only really appeals to myself and other fans of the nearly three decades old computer but hey it keeps me busy and not going crazy and I'm enjoying what I'm doing despite or perhaps because of the limitations.

Have switched from 8x16 tiles to 4x8 to save memory as I realised at that size there were a lot of duplicates in the smaller size (like when you round off a platform tiles corner variation) and the tilesheet has now cut down to a third and found some of the smaller pieces even work in other places I hadn't thought of before giving much more flexibility and possibilities with the tilesheet.  And now I've redone the wooden doors in a way that their tiles are able to be used for any size of door, the fences, wooden crates and the flooring of the building interiors too.  Windows have been enlarged (using tiles already in on the sheet) so I can fit sky tiles in them for the interiors to make it look like there's an outdoors scene through the windows.  One bad thing about the smaller tile size is they're even more fiddly to place down in Game Maker's room editor and the rock tiles are somewhat confusing on the tilesheet.  That thing really needs some copy/paste groups of tiles.  But at least they added a zoom function in recent versions so I don't have to squint so hard.

Interiors look something like this quick mock up but obviously the screen ain't big enough to show all of that.  Some interiors will be multi screen and even function that way to be the correct route through a stage (like if there's a wall you can't get by in outdoors and the building goes by that wall so you go in one door, through the building and out the other door to be on the other side of the wall.   That elevator looks a bit out of place as it's from the more sci-fi set later on but I haven't designed a wooden elevator yet.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:33:18 am »
While the scanlines seem to add a "dirty" noise to the overall impression, they do also lend a neat old school-ish feel. I wonder if playing an entire game like that, with such visible scanlines, would become an annoyance after a while. Not sure.

I don't really 'notice' them all.  In fact the lack of scanlines bugs me a lot more.  I don't like to play low res games without them.

Scanlines going both ways. It is just a transparent pattern overlaid on top of everything - just a bunch of transparent black pixels?

I think I mentioned in a previous post it's just two images of black lines.  One with them going horizontal and one with them vertical and they can each have their transparency adjusted from 0 (being off) to 10 (being full black) with various degrees of transparent in between.  I personally prefer the horizontal ones being on full black and the vertical ones being off. 

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: June 02, 2013, 06:53:25 am »
Dunno.  The Mario example still looked bloody terrible to me.  None of these things ever look even a fraction as good as the original graphics.  Makes me wonder why bother playing old games if you're just gonna turn their well crafted sprites into such crud...

General Discussion / Re: Restoring the former glory of Pixelation!
« on: May 31, 2013, 05:56:21 pm »
I think I may prefer remakes to demakes really.  Particularly remakes of old games that perhaps don't have a completely established style and environment like most modern games do due to the limitations of hardware of that time and it's up to the artist to come up with a style that they feel suits their own interpretation of it.   I'd like to see varying takes on character sprites (not just the done-to-death famous characters but perhaps lesser known ones from people's own personal favorites).   That's why I liked that Pixel Joint challenge back in 2007 where I did a mock up game shot remaking the old 8-bit game Werewolves of London I enjoyed playing from my own childhood and gave it a whole new look but still keeping with the basic gameplay style and theme of the werewolf in london (making it look more London-like, for one).

General Discussion / Re: Restoring the former glory of Pixelation!
« on: May 31, 2013, 05:01:49 pm »
Demake sounds fine but not when restricting it to just one particular game/series.   Never even heard of league of legends.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread 2014
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:39:15 pm »

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