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Topics - vvight
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Pixel Art / 32x32 Sprite for sidescroller (ongoing, feedback requested)
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:05:32 am »
Hi there,

This is my first post. I have been making pixel art for rpg makers such as OHRRPGCE since ~2000, and it is only recently that I have begun working in sizes larger than 16x16 pixels. I am finding it challenging to make a decent sprite that doesn't look anatomically "wack" at 32x32. I have been blocking out the basic body parts by colour and have come up with this:

I am looking for feedback on the pose, dimensions of body parts and general advice. Also, "Hi Pixelation!"  :). I felt that this place would be better for feedback than pixeljoint, as the forums there don't seem to be as active and the focus is more on "accomplished" pixel art ie not as beginner friendly.

I aim to use this thread to demonstrate ongoing progress with this particular sprite and I invite any and all feedback and help.

Many thanks in advance.

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