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Messages - Johasu
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: The Walking Dead - Daryl [WIP] [C+C]
« on: April 09, 2014, 02:59:01 pm »
Most squirrels are much brighter than this up close.  With a good degree of light frosting on their fur and a bit of orange as well.

If you have never looked at one up close:  This is an eastern gray squirrel but a lot of people where I live call them red squirrels because of that orange.
That is a strong reference. In North America, The Walking Dead setting, we mostly have 2 types of dominant species.  "Reds" and Grays (common names)  Darryl always seems to walk with reds hanging from his side.

Pixel Art / Re: 16 bit Band Logo
« on: April 05, 2014, 04:10:20 pm »
The black borders mesh the details too much.  It is entirely more readable on the left version.  Rather than take your detailing to the outside edge of your borders why don't you try taking a step inside the letters and raise them forward with a bit of highlighting or a lighter shade of blue.

In my experience black/dark borders are really not so useful unless you are trying to help the bordered item stand apart from what is behind it.  In your case they already do.  So you don't need that border.

As far as the F goes..  I think if you worked the angle a bit more and made the back of the F look more like a wing (subtle changes)  and perhaps give an eye to the Beaked portion.  These are just thoughts and may not work at all.  Worth a shot though.

Pixel Art / Re: T-rex Sprite WIP - CC
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:16:51 pm »
Look at the way that this edit contrasts the colors to form shape.  Your highlights are being squished between the dark border large bulk of the high saturation upon your blue body.
This means that your highlights don't really show up to the eye without close inspection because it's being devoured by the colors around it rather than assisting in shape.

You also used solid lines and blocky shapes to form your dino.  <--another factor that defeats your efforts for form.

Again the edit uses highlights from a defined light source to give the dinosaur a rounded shape.  The colors aren't in a solid batch or a line.  They are sort of subtly reaching around the body to give it both a bit of texture and shape.
Likewise, the underbelly applies a reverse of the same process using darker shades reaching up to show the rounded texture from below..

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Running knightman
« on: March 28, 2014, 11:48:25 pm »
It's a bit of a nitpick, but the back arm (his left) is extending really far behind him.  For a perspective like this slightly angled toward the viewer, his right arm only pulls back to just near his hip, but the other arm is extending well into view for us.

It's a subtle thing, barely noticeable unless you watch it for a while.  Then you start to notice...

Pixel Art / Re: Tiles C&C
« on: March 28, 2014, 09:16:45 pm »
Shouldn't your base lines match the curve you have already established upon the segmentation of your columns?

BTW I agree completely with astraldata's critique of your colors.  The walls are almost entirely unreadable without focusing really hard on it.
As I understand it, detail work on pixel art is best accomplished when you imply texture with your efforts and color choices.  When a viewer sees the work, that information should be relayed at first glance.  <--If they have to look closely and focus on an asset to read it properly, there is probably an issue there somewhere that could be addressed.

My eyes barely read the details of your bricks on this version.  They are too low contrast between shade and highlight for me to see without squinting and staring at it.
Other critiques I could offer:
Some of your shadows especially around the corners looks too boxy to match the surface.
The shadows of your columns seem to be going at an angle where the other shadows and highlighting implies straight on or from forward and above lighting.  (They don't match)

Pixel Art / Re: pompous walk cycle
« on: March 27, 2014, 03:57:06 am »
It seems to me that your steps are a bit too fast.
Pompous, cocky, arrogant are all feelings that make you feel more relaxed around other people.  The step animation is very fast imo.  Try slowing the footfall down a bit maybe.

I don't read the energy as pompous.  I read it as focus and direct.  No nonsense.  <-- This is a bit exaggerated I think, but it has closer to the feel I think you are aiming for.

Pixel Art / Re: SHMUP Progress
« on: March 23, 2014, 01:44:57 pm »
It's more moving from one color to another rather than from one color to a darker version of that color.
I've been learning the ropes on this myself lately.  <-- a thread about it <-- maybe more useful if you read the specifics on which direction to go.
More specifically look at Lucas Kich's edit. Notice how he moved from a bluish gray to yellow and used that lighter blue color as a bridge to get there.
Hue shift from darker color to a brighter and different color.
Bridging is the use of the blue color in between as a middle man.  :y:

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] 16-color palette sprites and tiles
« on: March 23, 2014, 01:35:42 pm »
The dirt reads kinda rocky to me.  Very broken rough surface.
If you are going for more of a smooth surface maybe you can widen the highlight color out more to diminish the contrast some.
I agree that the holes feel a bit out of place as well.
Would it look this way under the grass?  Is this a road?  Why is the grass broken up in such a way?  Is it a riverbed?

A thought:  With the grass as relatively noisy as it is, perhaps you should contrast that texture with a much simpler soil.  Smooth it out and use the darker color to define heavy shadows. Then use a few elements such as pebbles scattered about to give it some depth and feeling.

The gray color muted the contrast in your soil and gave it this sort of look already.  Even though I didn't particularly enjoy the gray it made your grass elements pop out and stand apart.  Now I feel like the soil is competing.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Mermaid peice
« on: March 23, 2014, 01:13:36 pm »
I think the biggest readability issue is that straight away the fin that runs the length of her tail appears to be counter-shading (the tendency in animals to have a lighter belly than back because of overhead lighting [camouflage]).
You also have the lighter color from your upper body on the back of the tail which is against natural counter-shading AND her hip area clearly indicates that you are using darker colors on the back and lighter colors on the front which is natural. All of this gives her a spirally-twisty appearance.
It is only upon closer inspection that those fins appear as actual fins. And really only then because of the well defined caudal fin.
Could resolve this with a bit more detail to the fins to make them read more as what they are.  Perhaps some light spine-work within or juncture to body shading?  But your lighting is a bit confusing to the eye.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Temple Tile Set (WIP)
« on: March 22, 2014, 12:07:57 pm »
Your ceiling is shaped like boards of wood and they don't match the wall, the floor, or the style of the setting so much.
If you look at the previous artist's, the top surface matches the wall in texture and shape fairly closely.  It's almost the same wall segments with different highlighting and shadows.

As far as your own work goes the floor, pit, and wall have a pretty solid direction as far as style goes, but the top is pretty barren of detail. It looks unfinished compared to the rest.
Why don't you try using the wall texture on the top as well?  Or perhaps giving your top surface some more surface detail to the smooth panels.

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