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Messages - Master_of_Power
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / [WIP?] Custom tiles, need improvement and modivation
« on: January 25, 2008, 11:25:27 pm »
Alright, first note, these graphics are old (probably 6 months?) and I just lot motivation to continue working on them, which isn't a good thing.

Second, this is a screenshot from the Zelda Game Engine Zelda Classic, so there IS an HUD.

One thing, I'd also like to point out, as well, is the stone pathway tiles aren't mine. They were used as a temporary place holder at the time, and I ment to replace it.

I've actually quit using the system for quite some time, now, and am going to expand the palette.

For what IS actually mine, is there anything that looks wrong? horrid? Ghastly? What points can I improve?

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