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Messages - Wayuki
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Pixel Art / Re: Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 15, 2006, 04:44:27 pm »
Sorry for ranting, guys. ^_^'
I did get the feeling that in the pixel art community, there's some negativity towards dollers in general... to the point where I felt I wasn't quite being taken seriously because of my dolling background, as if I was somehow less of an artist. But, maybe I've been reading in between the lines too much.

Either way, there was a lot of pent up frustration coming out all at once, unfairly aimed at Helm, who is in fact one of the most open-minded, helpful and supportive people here. The truth is that Helm's posts are an important reason I keep coming back.

So again, I'm sorry, and thanks for putting up with me and supporting me.  :-*

Now back to the little guy... the main idea was to make a series of overly cute, fashionable dolls. For a guy who is big into fashion, I don't think "vain and effeminate with an arrogant little pout" is completely inappropriate.  ;D
It was pretty much intended here. But, I do intend on drawing other types in the future.

PS: Johnny Depp looks good in eyeliner.  *Runs and hides*

@ Helm: I can't wait to see what you come up with.  :D

Pixel Art / Re: Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 15, 2006, 08:15:47 am »
The base I mentioned also happens to be quite a departure from my usual style, with much less colors and less gloss:

Also, that large unfinished project I was talking about a few posts earlier? Definitely a departure from my regular style. I didn't really want to post it until it was in a more finished (read: less naked) state , but here ya go anyway:

It's true that, as far as pixeling goes, I've pretty much jumped on the style-bandwagon of the dolling community, and it would be good to try different things. In fact, I HAVE been trying different things, as you can see above. Also, I don't feel I'm limiting myself as an artist. Pixeling is just one of the many things I do. I can do digital illustrations. I can model, texture and animate 3d models. I've designed and made clothes and actual real-life dolls.

I have to say... Am I really less original than the others here, because my pixel art so far has been cute, colorful, bigeyed and bigheaded?

My style sticks out like a sore thumb in this community, because nobody else does anything similar and "cute" isn't well liked around here. But this community, like all other art communities, has style-bandwagons all of it's own. Just how many people here limit themselves to teal, brown, gray and slate color schemes? Random dither style? Make practically monochrome pieces and call it unifying? Not saying that it's bad... but have they ever tried to make a cute, colorful, happy pixel scene? Just saying.

I think everybody would benefit from stepping out of the box, not just me.  :-X

Sorry if this opinion makes me unpopular around here, but it's been weighing down my heart for a while.

Pixel Art / Re: Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 13, 2006, 04:38:11 pm »
Thanks again for your help, I do like him a lot better now.  :D

Next time I make a male doll, I'll take a completely different route. I happened to have finished a muscle man base last week, so that will come in handy.  ;D

Pixel Art / Re: Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 13, 2006, 10:40:07 am »
Thanks for the edit, Helm! That does look a lot more manly.

Although, I have to say his expression seems a bit tired and bored to me. I also think the line on the chin is a bit extreme, it almost looks like a scar. Although the shoulders you have there work well with the head, I think they're too big for the lower body.

Trying to find a happy medium:

Old -> New

Here's what the uncovered base bodies look like. I don't think the guy's shoulders need to be even broader, IMHO it works well with the style. Most guys don't look like Duke Nukem, anyway. ^_^'

Pixel Art / Re: Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 12, 2006, 10:19:11 pm »
I guess the dolling community's tendency to draw really effeminate guys has rubbed off on me, ehehe. ^_^'
Though, it's supposed to be more of a "pretty boy" type than a manly man. And I wanted to make him fit with the girl, which is in an insanely, disgustingly cute style to start with. Yes, poor excuses, I know. *hides*

I'm working on an entirely different and much larger piece right now, actually... but progress is going really slow on that. I'm also working on some NPA as well... man, I must get out of the habit of starting 10 different projects at the same time. o_O'

Pixel Art / Re: Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 12, 2006, 09:35:50 pm »
Glad you like it!  :)

I just made a little guy to go with the girl.  ;D

Pixel Art / Fashion dollie (added another)
« on: July 11, 2006, 07:38:07 am »
Heya! Long time no post. ^_^'

I've been a bit low on inspiration lately, so here's just a small thingie to let you know I'm still alive.  ;D

PS: although it's a doll, please note that it's made completely from scratch by me, including the base body.  :P

EDIT: made another one ->

Pixel Art / Re: Zero Suit Samus
« on: May 29, 2006, 06:23:53 pm »
Glad I could help!  :D

The new version looks much better. One thing that could be improved still is the flow of the legs. I especially think the knee should stick out more on her left leg. You have the knee defined with a lot of shading, but it doesn't actually stick out in the outline. Considering the angle, I think it should.

Here's a quick doodle:

General Discussion / Re: Trouble with...3D?
« on: May 29, 2006, 03:37:28 pm »
It makes it a bit harder, not impossible.

If anything, you can always move the limbs out a bit after the modelling. That works better than modelling it in an unnatural pose from the beginning.

General Discussion / Re: Trouble with...3D?
« on: May 29, 2006, 01:30:08 pm »
I personally think box modeling is extremely non-intuitive. I much prefer to start with a primitive that's closer to the form I'd like to model. For instance, for a limb I tend to use an uncapped cylinder. I weld different parts together later, or fill in parts poly by poly (if I'm working lowpoly).

First, I make sure the model has an attractive silhouette in the front/back and side viewports. After that, I slowly turn the model in the 3d-viewport to see if it has an attractive silhouette from every angle and tweak where necessary.

When making a character, I like to give it a somewhat dynamic stance right away, rather than a stiff-limbed DaVinci pose. This really helps me to give the character the right shape and proportions.

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