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Messages - 7H0R
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] RPG Stuff
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:01:05 pm »
The tree looks okay, except some things I noticed that could be addressed:

-The tree trunk, other than the bottom where the roots are, looks very smooth. Trees aren't naturally that smooth, and it looks sort of like the tree is make of plastic.
-The tree leaves are detailed well, but the grass is also very detailed. I think that the tree leaves should be more detailed than the background grass, to draw more attention to the tree, and less attention to the grass. The background just looks like it has a lot going on in it.

Take it with a grain of salt, as I am still learning too, but that's just my observations  :)

Pixel Art / [WIP] Pixel art for a Game
« on: November 22, 2010, 12:51:51 am »
Hello everyone. This is my first among many many posts here I hope. Keep in mind that I have only been doing pixel art for a couple days before this post. I am a digital artist by nature, and it tends to conflict with my pixelling abilities.

I'm doing a sample of my pixel art abilities. I'm making a mock-up scene of what could be in a game in the future. I'm just going to make a small scene with a house, a road and maybe a pond and a tree or two. Everything is in 32x32 tiles. Here is where I am at so far...

So far this is on my list of things to do:
  • Make a top half for the house that isn't bricks
  • Make the colors flow more naturally
  • Finish the roof (Make it stretch all the way back and fix the tiling.
  • Make a cobblestone path
  • Make a tree
  • Make a pond

Any suggestions & feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!  ;)

EDIT: Latest version

EDIT: Latest Version. Added something I should have added a long time ago...a shadow to the roof. I also lowered the red tinting on the lines between the bricks.

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