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Messages - ndchristie
Pages: 1 ... 233 234 [235] 236 237 ... 240

just a simple thing if people want to color it and my colored version:


its a house :P

Pixel Art / Re: Tactics Character WIP
« on: April 20, 2006, 02:58:22 pm »
i dont really want to talk much about the game since this is ment to be about the pixelwork

Pixel Art / Re: Tactics Character WIP
« on: April 20, 2006, 02:02:48 pm »
yeah we have a system for height, so we can do that easily, but beyond that i dont have many ideas.  im going to push for a 'solid' terrain system, so that an arrow or magic fireball can just go through things, but the problem then is that wed need a fireball pathfinding system, which would be tricky.
i dont really want to talk much about the game since this is ment to be about the pixelwork and id like to avoid this getting moved to the off-topic section

Pixel Art / Re: Tactics Character WIP
« on: April 20, 2006, 01:23:18 pm »
Im just the artist, i dont know anything about how the game is being made, just what features i want.  Im more interested in the storyline and presentation, since thats actually something i can effect directly.
My biggest question is how exctly should terrain factor into strategy on such a close-in scale?  the ground there is uneven yes, but it wouldnt make too much of a difference in combat since the differences from tile to tile are small

General Discussion / Re: Pixelation Rebirth?
« on: April 20, 2006, 02:27:34 am »
im getting an error

personally, i dont think i remember pixelation at all, i dont think i was a member.  or perhaps it was related to pixel academy? THAT was something i was sad to see go

Pixel Art / Re: Tactics Character WIP
« on: April 19, 2006, 10:30:16 pm »
@Xion Night: the head at the moment is just a placeholder, but what would you suggest for animation?  to be honest im at a loss which is why i havent touched it

@neverest & Alex Hanson-White: The terrain is a very rigid 2d system.  We began with a piss-poor 3d system that was hard to code and hard for me as a spriter to work with, mostly because we couldnt find a program that would allow us to disable perspective, leading to crap like  Our programmer has been hard at work night and day (i.e. a few minutes here and there) coding it.  At the moment, we are going with an 'imperfect system' that allows the player to snap rotate 90' at a time, and the terrain rotates and moves accordingly.  The problem is that im a bit lazy, so things will always have the same light source, because i dont want to draw every frame of every object and tile and character being lit from 4 different directions.

@Helm: I plan to have terrain play as much of a factor as possible in combat, but the more complex gameplay ideas are being held until the regular commands have been made to function properly :P

Pixel Art / Re: Tactics Character WIP
« on: April 19, 2006, 07:57:46 pm »
Well, heres a bit of an update:

still dont quite know what to do about the boots or the far arm, but things are coming along

Also, here is a shot of the character in an environment.  The gridlines can be toggled on/off as a part of the tactical overlay.  Personally i prefer the grid off, since it gives a more aestheitc quality to the ground...but the rest of the team wants to be able to see the grid exactly, so we compromized :P

the tiles also are up for C+C as long as it is known that that is only one tile type! (so dont complain that it all looks like the same kinda grass because guess what - it is all the same kinda grass)

Archived Activities / Re: Iso Collaboration III: Return of the Grid
« on: April 19, 2006, 06:17:13 pm »
sorry, i only use firefox wich doesnt have problesm with png's, so i assumed that it was drawing sofware using different color steups

i remember seeing that spaghetti monster dealie on attack of the show once

these linearts are really cool, i might have a go t one at some point

Archived Activities / Re: Iso Collaboration III: Return of the Grid
« on: April 19, 2006, 03:31:56 pm »
beh, when i get back to my moms, unless people like it this way, ill cross it in photoshop against the original to try and restore the colors again.

And thanks for the offer crab, but i think i like the position of 14 better.  13 is up for grabs then

here is an animation of the color changes, using the most recent and the last properly colored one i know of

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