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Messages - 8bitbeard
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Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:04:25 am »
there you go.

(the first who guesses the HUD reference wins a smiley)
Aw man, Shadow of the Colossus has the best climbing/stamina gauge thing. There's something about that shrinking circle that is so much better than a bar.

It looks really great. I would play this game. Good luck on it!

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: February 08, 2012, 10:45:16 pm »
After taking a short break I went over some aspects and think I'm pretty close to calling it finished for now.
  • Changed sky color
  • Improved (?) Rock texture
  • Added HUD elements (the first who guesses the HUD reference wins a smiley)

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:53:28 am »
Yeah, I know GIRP.
My game is definately simpler than it.
While GRIP really tries to replicate the climbing with its gameplay mechanics, my game will be more about replicating the "feeling".

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: February 02, 2012, 11:19:55 am »
It should not be too difficult to detect the dark areas of the texture and let the cliff edge "bleed" into those.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:51:58 am »
Thanks, I also have high hopes for the concept. I'll talk / link to the actual gameplay ideas once I have settled them with the other people involved in this. Generally speaking the game will be very simple in its core, with the basic theme of finding your "inner rhythem". Layered on top of that will be randomized level generation and (hopfully) a pixel art 2D physics ragdoll (and yes, the rope will also be dynamic).
Lets see, maybe it never gets beyond this mockup  :)

You are so right about the rock texture. That is exactly what I have in mind with it. I could even go a bit larger with the tile (currently it is 128) since texture space will not be a big issue.
And yes, on top of that we'll have several things - "darkness" bleeding in from the rim of the left (as you can already see in a basic form) and then multiple "noise" layers on top with little grass stuff and similar things.

In addition, I'll come up with various variations of this rock texture, like sandstone, snow-covered, etc. to serve as different level themes.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:10:07 am »
Even thoug I did not want to focus on it for now I played around some more with the rock texture.
For the first time ever I used a picture of a very nice rock surface and sent it through photoshop to get a rough impression if the general look would fit better.
Since I kind of like the look much better now I guess I'll recreate this one, in a much "cleaner" style (and with less obvious tiling) so it fits to the scene and "my" style.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / Re: Nordwand - Gameplay mockup
« on: January 31, 2012, 08:22:07 am »
gah. for some reason my pictures turned out to be .jpg after uploading.
I'll try to fix this asap.

Yes, as I said, I have been struggling with the texture of the rock wall. I have never really done a pixeltexture of a rockwall before, and all the reference I found was not really fitting.
I'll see if I give it another shot.

Pixel Art / Re: Prehistoric Mockup
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:40:26 pm »
I really like the direction this is going.

I presonally prefer the environment shot with the desert, the simplistic ground may be the way to go. If not, you definately want to fix the monotony of the tiling ground texture in shot one, and also break up the straight line that separates the ground in the foreground from the scenery in the background.

Pixel Art Feature Chest / GR#091 - Nordwand - Mockup
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:28:32 pm »
I am currently working on a gameplay mockup.
The game's working title is "Nordwand", and it is gonna be about climbing in the mountains, approx. 100 years ago.

It all started with this simple character:

The next step for me was to show a typical gameplay situation.

[EDIT] Updated creation steps.

Rough concept:

1st iteration:

2nd iteration:

3rd iteration:

4th iteration:

5th iteration:

I'm still missing HUD elements. Also I still want to try some very simple gradient for the sky background (darker towards the top..?)

I've been struggling a bit with the rock texture. I want to use a tiling texture for the rock because of technical / production related reasons (if the game is ever going to be made).

I'm pretty happy with the clouds, but unsure about the distant mountains - however I really do not want to put too much detail into them to not distract from the most important foreground.

The game is most likely gonna be played in 2x the resolution.

Feedback is highly appreciated.

Pixel Art / Re: Deer-man in jeans
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:55:51 am »
if you dont like the jeans it might come from the fact that they are super tight.
I'd try loosening them a bit starting from the knees, and actually making them a big too short so you are able to show some socks as a separator between the shoes and jeans.

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