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Messages - Gizmonicgamer
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Pixel Art / [WIP] Platformer main character sprite. need guidance.
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:13:24 pm »
Ignore everything in the quote: thats old.


The one on the left is an edit I made, and the one on the right is the original. Unfortunately, I feel that there are still some problems with the edit.

Basically, to me it looks like the anatomy is slightly off in some regard, and I can't quite place how or fix it without making any massive changes. I don't want to make any massive changes because I've already got a good portion of the animations done - so a new sprite altogether is probably out of the question - but I can easily adjust for some relatively minor changes though, like the ones I've been making. The game is very desaturated, hence the palette.

Edits would be greatly appreciated, though even simple critique will suffice.


-sept 10th 2009-

I have this sprite, and I feel its coming out pretty well - it has much better shape, definition and coloring then the previous sprite and previous incarnations of this sprite - or so I feel, anyway. The character is somewhat cold and stoic, so the almost hypocritical mixture of relaxation/stillness and firmness in regards to posture kind of works for it I feel and is what I was going for.
But I'm encountering two huge road blocks - it looks terrible on a black/really dark background, and I cannot draw an arm.

The legs lose their form and sort of becoming blobby messes, and I'm not really sure the best way of correcting.

A compilation of all the arms I've done trying to get this to work, none of which I feel work.

Even more so on a black background.

So those are my primary dilemmas - arm and dark background. When it comes to the dark background, what would you recommend? Changing the colors, shading, maybe even style? I can postulate as to multiple different causes and as such solutions, but I can't bring myself to apply them due to the 'changing the very basis of the sprite' factor, and the fact that I'm not sure if they would actually work in the first place.
I've been trying to fix these problems for over a week now on and off, and your assistance would be heavily appreciated. I'm kind of caging myself in on this one and need some outside opinions and assistance.
C+C please?

Pixel Art / Re: WIP BG; Snowy forest [Requiem] - alternatively: TREES
« on: June 24, 2009, 06:05:33 am »
Thanks for the comments, everyone.

This is what I have thus far; I need to sleep now, so I'll tackle most everything I haven't responded too tomorrow when I resume working on this. Like providing an example of how it looks with the character on it. I made the middle tree and left tree taller and shaded them and have begun work on another middle ground tree. After this I imagine most of the trees will exist more in the background then the foreground.

Do note, the gradient that starts to build up will mostly be obscured by trees. I'll also probably even out the brightness of the snow a little bit from the main path and the back layers. The idea is its in shadow (I also want the area the main character walks on to stand out more) but I think the execution is a little extreme for the idea right now.

As for dealing with the pixel-wide scraggly branches in the trees up front, I'd like to keep them - at least for now - because I feel like a majority of the trees character results from those. But, if it begins to interfere with some of the BG layers further back I'll have to deal with them. EDIT: Unless you actually meant remove the scraggly branches from future trees that would exist in the BG? in which case I plan on doing that.

In fact I imagine I'll probably end up rearranging and altering a lot of the different background features I have by the time I'm done, to help compensate for the backlayer. This is after all the first time I've actually attempted a background quite like this.

Pixel Art / WIP BG; Snowy forest [Requiem] - alternatively: TREES
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:04:13 am »

Still very WIP; might have to alter the palette as is its a little too colorful in certain parts to fit in with the rest of the graphics in the game this is going into. (Requiem - desaturated metroidvania type game).

But anyway; my plans are to have this seperated into several different parralax scrolling layers. So far I only have the front two (the main plane the character will walk on, which is everything up until the closest tree roots, and a small one behind that featuring more snow and thus far two trees). I've got that all set-up, but I am having some issues with the trees. The front one, I think, came out fine, but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to do the ones in the back - which I want to be taller and more looming then the one in the front - and I quite simply can't seem to properly define them. Notably the top of the middle tree.

Can anyone offer some crtique or help on that, or even just anything in this thus far?

C+C so far?


Pixel Art / Re: Making Castlevania Style sprites
« on: June 01, 2009, 06:19:11 am »
the DS games are full of bad art. If you want to learn the style they degenerated from look for SOTN sprites.
Actually some of the DS sprites are pretty decent; I rather enjoy Soma's spritesheet from DoS myself. Most of the others are pretty bad, though.

In general Castlevania is a very mixed bag. Environments especially are usually quite ugly and look like they took five different tilesets and cobbled them all togetherp
I do not think that we are playing the same castlevanias.

Pixel Art / Megaman type character; playing with a new style.
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:43:46 am »

Ryoji was an old guy I made a long time ago who basically looked like this. I long since abandoned the character after I drifted from the Mega Man community but, going through old sprites today, I found some of this guy and figured it would be fun to play around with him again. So I did. This is the result.

I also played around with a kind of wonky shading and palette style. I think this bitch used around 25 colors or so, though I wasn't really trying to keep that down this time around so I'm not surprised.


Pixel Art / Re: Sometimes... Ideas dont mix.
« on: March 27, 2009, 07:37:12 am »
There's nothing wrong with having no direction and messing around creating randomness but this is bound to happen when there's no concept driving your decisions.
I recommend you try to solidify a concept beforehand next time, with some quick exploratory sketches on good ol' paper with a good ol' pencil. Know what you're doing before you do.
Well of course, I always plan out what I'm doing if its something important, like for a project or to use as an avatar or something, but in an instance like this where I'm literally just spriting to sprite/ for fun, there really isn't that 'need' for creative control; I just kind of let the ideas flow and evolve.

Crit on yer sprite though - I can say that I love the active pose you gave him, and yes it's rather odd, looks like Samus's boyfriend maybe playing volleyball at the beach, not wanting to get sand in his boots of course.
Thanks :) The pose was kind of a pain to get right and was really the only true guiding factor in the sprites construction.

Pixel Art / Sometimes... Ideas dont mix.
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:55:21 am »

This was basically a sprite that started out as one thing and then while creating it ended up becoming something completely different. This was originally intended to be pirate, however when I began to draw the blue shirt it sort of took a life of its own and instead of halting my creative flow I simply ran with it and have the final producted presented before you, some kind of... Pirate robot thing. It wasn't to be anything serious or necessary, so it was no big deal when it changed direction.

15 colors + transparency. C+C?

Pixel Art / Re: allaze-eroler's WIP -some news and an official site-
« on: February 26, 2009, 05:55:32 pm »
Wow, for the most part that looks excellent. My only real complaints are that its a little messy, though that may just be style, and the green palette used. There isn't much contrast or hue-shift in it, and it just feels like it's kinda sitting there.  I'm also not a huge fan of the fact that there's a black line ontop of the water. Aside from that though, it looks quite good.

Have you made any progress on the two linearts you posted earlier? I'd be kind of interested in seeing some more complete sprites out of those.

Pixel Art / Shanoa
« on: January 03, 2009, 05:52:45 am »

That is, Shanoa, the main protagonist and heroine of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. She has a sprite already, so I'm not quite sure why I made this, but I did nonetheless and am pretty content with how it came out, though I can tell there are still some issues.

13 colors + transparency, C+C?

EDIT: New version with a few minor fixes to the leg, hair and shading.

General Discussion / Re: Of Value, Saturation, Hue, Contrast and gray;
« on: December 11, 2008, 11:20:39 pm »
Either that or I'll move this thread there for you. What do you prefer? O:

Here. I wasn't really asking for critique on the sprite but rather if it was felt that that sprite dealt with the issue of black and white and the apparent lack of contrast more in regards to the game itself - I'll make a mockup of the sprite on an in-game BG though for comparison if that'll work betterr? It wasn't my intention to lean it towards sprite critique.  As for the sprites and stuff I'll make a thread over there later on, as this is more trying to deal with specifically the black and white/gray/contrast issues and on whether or not on the whole it is capturing the intended atmosphere or how exactly to capture that kind of atmosphere. Or even just move this more towards those concepts and guide it away from the game in question, either way it works and is something I'm interested in.

Jad: Ok, that's cool then. Do post it against a background though, so we have more stuff to look at.

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