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Messages - Shipright
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Pixel Art / Re: [C+C] [WIP] Flying dragon
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:59:29 pm »
The head should move, but not up and down, rather it should stretch out on the down flo, and compress on the up.

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: February 23, 2016, 05:31:11 am »
I think you mean the shoulder blades, the neck remains two pixels the whole animation unless it's covered by the chin. That's the shoulders rolling back. I hear you but the upper body looks static without that.

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: February 22, 2016, 05:23:25 am »
There are two trapezius apparently, I was thinking of the larger one across your shoulder blades. Anyway, NECK, movement on the neck.

What are you thinking? The neck is only two pixels wide, maybe expand it to four for the two frames at max inhalation?

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:37:24 pm »
Aren't those on your back?

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:04:36 am »
I found some motivation to return to my player character. This is one of three idles, the "winded" one intended to act as a visual cue to the player that their stamina is significantly depleted.

I found this far easier to do then a mild normal idle so I pushed forward and will work backwards from here. Which doesn't mean I did a good job so critique away! The third idle will be an exhausted animation for when stamina is gone and will served during what I imagine would me a movement penalty.

I also experimented with adding a mouth. It won't always be there but I intend to use it for exaggerated expressions like gasping for air here or maybe a warcry and such.

Pixel Art / Re: Walking w/sword animation.
« on: January 19, 2016, 06:28:30 am »
There should be much more back and forth with the sword and hand. Walk around in front of a mirror and note that your hands actually move slightly behind you. But also you need to consider exaggerating this because of the small scale of your sprite so you the movement can be read.

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: January 08, 2016, 08:13:52 am »
A larger template for an eagle, with what I hope is an obvious species selection :)

I know I am messing up the shading. I just am not good at it yet. The only thing that makes me able to tolerate it is that eventually I will remove all the shading anyway and apply int with a matching normal map when I put these into an engine.

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: January 08, 2016, 02:06:26 am »
It doesn't read very bird of prey yet, but I don't see how you could improve on that really. I feel like the problem is the beak. The black forehead and black beak kind of meld together, I would really highlight the beak as that's what screams predator to me.

I think that may just be an issue with the Osprey in particular due to its color scheme. I was going for an easily recolorable sprite so I could bash out flavor art real quick and that color scheme (gray and black) was easy to create a pallet for. Here is the same sprite but colored and slightly modified to be a Harris Hawk:

Does that improve the read? Here it is with the player character for size. The sprite is about 1.6ft tall in game scale.

A second point is shoulder or arm. Bird on shoulder = pirate, bird on arm = always hunting bird. If you manage to get the bird on my character's arm, even if it looks like a parrot, I'll still think hunting bird.

I didn't think about that and its a really good point. This is still 100% an art project but since form follows function the in game RPG rational is that these would be hyprid pets/equipment. Some birds would act as passive stat boosters that are equipped to the shoulders slot. Parrot gives charisma, Raven gives constitution, owl gives intelligence, etc. Other birds would be more like weapons and be equiped to an arm slot, and they could be actively used for some utility as a glorified Zelda boomerang such as the Osprey being able to get to deep water fish spots without a boat, the Harris Hawk can be used to hunt small animals without spooking them, etc. Then the bigger eagles can be actual offensive weapons verse mobs.

That's where I am coming from.

Pixel Art / Re: Player Character Animations
« on: January 07, 2016, 06:55:51 am »
I am working on the other walking directions of the deer, it is tedious and time consuming. To keep myself moving I switched to something else tonight.

Its supposed to be an osprey, and sized to be able to stand on my player characters shoulder or arm. I would like to do a series of birds off this base. My question to you all is how does this read? Does it look like a bird of prey to you or just a glorified chicken/seagull?

Pixel Art / Re: Knight sword draw animation
« on: January 01, 2016, 02:16:36 am »
In the beginning, before he draws. He just sort of clicks over, pauses and then draws. I think that click over part could use another frame to imply movement. Right now it just looks like what it is, one image swapped with another, and lacks the animation effect. Its really hard to pull off a movement in two frames.

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