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Messages - miascugh
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General Discussion / Re: Pixel art and classical art (palettes again)
« on: October 29, 2009, 10:43:33 am »
Miascugh's entry in the thread mathias links seems to get the sort of results you might want.

Here it's noteworthy though, that the skintones of Chun Li are only the slightly modified original Street Fighter ones.

Also, on another note, picking colors for pixel art is much less intuitive than in painting, as you don't layer the different components with their individual reflective properties in pixel art as opposed to some traditional media. You will probably have to (want to) find a compromise between well thought-through color wheel magic to make up for the lack of the "organic" approach to color and effective palettes that are functional in abstracting (compacting) lights behaviour if you're going for something like realism in Pixel Art.

I do find though, that Pixel Art offers some very specific devices that render realism as one of the more boring applications of it ;). There's a huge, resourceful context to pixels [/hypocrisy]

« on: October 27, 2009, 08:31:26 pm »
45!  !yus!

« on: October 25, 2009, 08:23:05 pm »
82 Done  :-*

Pixel Art / Re: First Grass Tile Attempt
« on: November 27, 2008, 06:06:10 pm »
Just to clarify, Sword of Mana is from the days before crazy back-lit portable screens, so they needed bright colors. What is more important about this example is its simplicity, only two colors and it works. You could easily get rid of some of your colors and adjust the contrast accordingly and it would look a lot more crisp. These minimal graduations in yours create a similar effects to compression artefacts, which makes a dirty impression.

Keep it simple at first, instead of having many shades of little perceivable difference stick to the two extremes of your contrast-range here. You don't want your main ground-tile, used to fill larger areas, to be too busy.

General Discussion / Re: Official Off-Topic Thread
« on: August 29, 2008, 10:40:36 am »
A friend of mine started a fun little project to kill some time when bored on the net and he asked me to spread the word. Anybody's welcome to give it a shot, and upload one or two too.

Pixel Art / Re: Gear Of War pixel art
« on: August 28, 2008, 01:50:56 pm »
Photobucket automatically converts .bmp files into jpgs. Bitmaps aren't very web-friendly, size-wise, and jpgs aren't suited for Pixel Art. Gif or png are common formats.

As far as critique is concerned, the car definitely needs some more attention. If it's style choice to have it this stick-figure like it isn't pulled off consequently throughout the mockup and also doesn't fit the subject matter in my opinion. Something either semi-realistic or more bold would fit better.

2D & 3D / READ FIRST! - Introduction to the new section
« on: August 27, 2008, 06:40:02 pm »
The focus of these boards clearly has been on the practice we very specifically defined and know as Pixel Art since they were founded back in 2002, with strong roots in low-end graphics of the days of lore. However, as the techniques involved in Pixel Art could witness a modest renaissance with the emergence of more and more capable hand-held systems which put Pixelation in the fortunate position to offer the expertise of its members to artists seeking to work professionally too, the development of these devices has long surpassed the necessity of Pixel Art. Color-depth and resolution have significantly improved, as have capabilities in terms of gimmickery that can be applied. And with the progress technology made, so did the artists involved in this branch. It only suggests itself to widen our scope of interest to new techniques that still remain within the same vein as Pixel Art, and possibly even have emerged from it.

So what to post in this section?
Anything goes that purposefully was created for low resolutions and tries to make best use of its given restrictions. Low-poly is just as welcome as skillfully reduced or pre-rendered graphics, as well as anything you might find on hand-helds from GUIs to gfx. Show us how you can make best use of whatever be your equipment of choice to cater for those low-spec devices. Tell us your tricks to ensure readability at lower resolutions while adequately tapping the true potential of the respective system, or how to use state-of-the-art software like 3DSmax, Photoshop or After Effects purposefully.

This is a test-run of the new section to see if it proves to be a legitimate extension to the old forums.

Have fun! Show off what you've learned!

EDIT: Feel free to post questions and make suggestions for this section HERE!
I will try to modify this introduction accordingly if there is anything unclear.

2D & 3D / Re: Official Anatomy Thread
« on: July 24, 2008, 07:36:21 pm »
(Reference, while from a book on anatomy, was a photo of a - very well-trained ;) - average guy, though, no chart involved)

2D & 3D / Re: Official Anatomy Thread
« on: July 24, 2008, 01:32:34 pm »
If by evil-ville you mean miascugh, then let me say, that my overpaint is strongly referenced from an anatomy book and sticks very closely to the head grid (I made the head-count on paper first, then by eye-measure in ps, might not be 100%-ly accurate, but looks decent enough to me). Anyway, I didn't use the underlying old sketch at all, but made it all new according to the material I had, so one can pretty safely say, that this is how the guy I looked at was proportioned.

Please don't make me scan just to see how far off I am :P

2D & 3D / Re: Official Anatomy Thread
« on: July 23, 2008, 02:42:09 pm »
The overpaint's getting there, though the shapes all around still seem improvised, knees are way too far down. I don't think there's much point to practicing anatomy without references. And if you have trouble eye-balling the proportions use aids like grids and guidelines.. and start out rough to block out the proportions

I counted 7 1/2 heads in the reference (not Tom Hanks) and used those as basic reference point.

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